BCP Boys

Well Known Member
I haven't seen much on the forums about the aftermath of Harvey, but our Prayers go out to those that were affected by it. Praying that you and your families are still safe if you stuck it out.

God Bless.
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Thanks for the prayers and thoughts. For those of us in the Houston area, the storm isn't over yet. Flooding and tornados continue, with flooding expected to continue until about Wed. or Thurs.! Lots of people here with water in their homes or evacuated.

Fortunately, my home has remained above the water level so far. Just hope it continues.
I didn't realize there was this much rain on the entire planet. We're currently still high and dry here, but the rising water outside has prompted us to move some things upstairs - just in case.

The runway where we live (Sport Flyers) is more of a seaplane landing area at the moment.
We're thinking of all the people hit by this massive storm in Texas. This looks really, really bad.

Hope all the RVs and owners in Friendswood are ok.
Read this on another forum: "For those that know Jay Hoeneck, he evacuated to New Breunsfels before the storm hit, and he and Mary are okay. Earlier he posted photos of the airport where he keeps his plane (KRAS) and some classic cars he has acquired. His hangar survived okay, but 60-70% of the other structures sustained significant damage.

No mention yet how the hotel fared.

Jay and Mary live in Port Aransas, have an RV and is active with VAF. :cool:
If any RV'r from the disaster area needs a place to stay we have a couple of extra bedrooms in our home we could offer.
We're thinking of all the people hit by this massive storm in Texas. This looks really, really bad.

Hope all the RVs and owners in Friendswood are ok.

We talked to former neighbors at Polly Ranch airpark in Friendswood yesterday. Sounds like about 1/4 of the runway closest to the creek was submerged, with water in some houses. Our friend hadn't gotten his Baron, F1, or SeaRey out, but was in good spirits, saying that "at least the expensive stuff in the airplanes (avionics and engine) is well off the floor - and the SeaRey floats!"
