
Well Known Member
For you RV believers out there, keep my A-10/HR2/SW Capt friend Kent "Yobo" Yohe in your prayers. Kent purchased my HR2, served nearby me in Iraq in 2003 and is a believer.
He was sedated this morning and placed on a ventilator with COVID 19.

The full force of this pestilence hasn't fully struck the US yet, but it will.
The good news is God is firmly in control...
Was just talking to a bud this am who flew A-10s with him and he told me about Yobo. Different community so I never crossed paths with him but he's in our prayers! I agree, its gonna get worse before it gets better!
Thanks for the update Smokey. Prayers for your friend (and all those suffering from CV). v/r,dr
As a former Eagle, Hog and Viper maintainer thoughts and prayers sent. Wish all the best for Yobo.
Thanks for the update. I just had Yobo on my jumpseat a couple months was great to catch up with him. Will be praying for his quick recovery. Check 6 everybody!

I flew A-10s with Yobo and now RVs with KC Flight. He is an exceptional flight lead, a good friend and a believer like Smokey Ray said. All of KC Flight is praying every day until he walks out of that **** hospital. He is an exceptional human being with overwhelming goodness in his heart. His positive attitude is, pardon the pun, contagious. His condition is stable, he is progressing well and the outlook is good. In typical Yobo fashion, before he was sedated he calmly told the medical staff “fight’s on”. Please include him, Karin and his family in your daily prayers.

You got this Yobo,
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For you RV believers out there, keep my A-10/HR2/SW Capt friend Kent "Yobo" Yohe in your prayers. Kent purchased my HR2, served nearby me in Iraq in 2003 and is a believer.
He was sedated this morning and placed on a ventilator with COVID 19.

The full force of this pestilence hasn't fully struck the US yet, but it will.
The good news is God is firmly in control...

On it my friend.

Fighting wing

Prayers outbound from the A-10 heartland here in Tucson.

I?ve never met Yobo but, after being a fighter flight doc for 6 years, if anyone can pull through this it?s someone with his background and the support of the VAF and military flying communities.

- Bravo

Thanks, many prayers and much strength headed to our SWA and RV/Rocket Formation Bro, Yobo.

I've been talking with his KC Flight Wingmen and monitoring his Caring Bridge site...He's in a great place (Baylor Med), is stable on the ventilator (as Oly said), with good vitals, and is participating in the clinical trial of one of the promising drugs.

The all-FFI message went out tonight, to add to the caravan of prayer warriors on Yobo's team.

"Fight's On!"


For you RV believers out there, keep my A-10/HR2/SW Capt friend Kent "Yobo" Yohe in your prayers. Kent purchased my HR2, served nearby me in Iraq in 2003 and is a believer.
He was sedated this morning and placed on a ventilator with COVID 19.

The full force of this pestilence hasn't fully struck the US yet, but it will.
The good news is God is firmly in control...
Update on Yobo

Update from Karin: still improved on the vent. Vital signs good. At 50% oxygen with positive pressure down to 5 (good sign) oxygen sat is 97%. They are decreasing his paralytic medicines some. That is separate from the sedation meds. All good signs. Drs. want to keep him on the ventilator until at least 6 April

Yobo came out of hibernation today and is off the ventilator and recovering. KC Flight ain’t shavin’ till he leaves the hospital. Our prayers were answered, KC Flight can breathe again.

Ok all you KC Bums, time for your beard pics. #Yobostrong
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And here’s Bryan Regan, Aeroshell Pilot #2 showing his support for Yobo, he definitely has the best beard.

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Beards for Yobo, no words can possibly express our thanks to God and joy that Yobo is back among the living.

In no particular order:

Fitz, KC Flight #11

Boomer, KC Flight #8

Ripper, KC Flight #4

Kicks, KC Flight #23

2B, KC Flight #15

Tinker, KC Flight #17

Doc, KC Flight #99

Cash, KC Flight #13

Pedlar, KC Flight #16

Flower, KC Flight #18
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Beards for Yobo continued:

Ryno, KC Flight #20

Cowboy, KC Flight #21
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Pleased to report to the RV community that Yobo talked to his wife last night for the first time since coming off the ventilator. That is a really good sign and we are hopeful that his recovery will progress quickly from here.

Overjoyed with this morning news, better than the first cup of coffee to wake you up!
Beards for Yobo from out west...

Oly, KC Flight and Yobo,

Working to generate some "Beards for Yobo" pics from your friends (and Super Bowl rivals) Lightning, and the boyz out west. Here's one from Lightning 1:


Really glad to hear the great progress, and the words on Caring Bridge from Karin, Kyle and Megan. So glad it looks like Yobo will be there with you when we present your Super Bowl bet winnings!

Looking forward to seeing this guy again soon! (Taken last time we met up at the SWA HQ/LEAD Bldg....nice hat, eh!)


Fight's On!

Yobo update

KC Flight had more happy news this morning. Yobo asked the nurse for his release papers to sign cause he wants to go home. I think he is finally out of the woods and anyone that wants to shave off a scraggly Yobobeard will have that opportunity soon. All his labs results and oxygen levels are good so it won’t be long now.

Thanks to all the RV community for your thoughts and prayers, they are working. 2020 is getting better already!!
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KC Flight had more happy news this morning. Yobo asked the nurse for his release papers to sign cause he wants to go home. I think he is finally out of the woods and anyone that wants to shave off a scraggly Yobobeard will have that opportunity soon. All his labs results and oxygen levels are good so it won?t be long now.

Thanks to all the RV community for your thoughts and prayers, they are working. 2020 is getting better already!!

AWESOME news, glad to hear he's better !
Further Yobo update

Just in from Indy,
Yobo is off the vent!! * O2 by cannual. * Dr said he’ll be confused for awhile after 8 days on vent and drugs. *Have to make sure he doesn’t get out of bed. *More tomorrow.”

Prayers answered....

Yesterday was truly the best day of the year so far. Yobo is virus free and was cleared by the Doc to leave the hospital. He is home safe and is recuperating. He’s starting to get back to his old self already and trading jokes & barbs with KC Flight.

Welcome back buddy!

Love the home made sign:) Oh that flag, you guys are so patriotic, great to see, we down under are no where near as patriotic, rarely see an Aussie flag at a private residence! Nice to read a happy story for a change on a world that has gone to pot!