
Well Known Member
I can't help it, the service I've received from suppliers just blows me away. I have to give special thanks to Trio and AvMap. In my 40 hour flyoff, I had problems with the EZPilot not tracking all that well. It would get off course about .1 miles, vs. the .02 they predicted. No amount of adjusting helped. I called them and they gave me a few things to try--no help. SO they sent me another AP! Still no help. Finally they asked about the GPS. Seems I have had the AvMap for quite some time, before they made it compatible with Trio.

Called AvMap for updated software (which I needed anyway.) They told me that they were having some problems with their latest version and didn't want to sell it to me just yet (I will have to buy a new card as mine is 128 meg and the new one is 512) so they sent a recent version FREE to see if that fixed the problem. It did!

Folks, that is service. Complain if you want about the cost of updates and such, but when you get that kind of service, it is worth a little extra. XCOM, Dynon and AFS have also been great. Just had to pass it on. BTW, had put off getting new software until I had my 40 hours flown off as I wasn't going anywhere anyway. That happened last week. Into the obligatory rides portion of flying!

Bob Kelly
It's always nice to hear the good side of customer service. It seems like a lot of times folks only hear the negatives. Trio was very good with me too. Their ap would not recognize my GPS but it was completely my fault (GPS was in simulation mode which removed the course deviation data from the AVLINK stream).