
Hi there! I have a couple questions about the Vans practice kit that I'm sure some of you have encountered on real plane pieces so I was wondering if I could get some advice.


In the practice kit, the stiffeners are drawn unbent (the ones in the kit are prebent) , which confused my tiny brain for ages, until I read the text "shown unbent". So -1 point for reading comprehension.


The stiffener trimming drawing shows cutting from the side of the top notch.
This leaves a little notch in the top of the stiffener. I've looked up other projects and no one else seems to leave this notch. It seems like a weak point? Should this get rounded off?



Ribs -
The place where the rib meets the spar has to be match drilled. There isn't a lot of space and even with a right angle drill, I couldn't get in there. Does anyone have techniques they use to get a nice non-angled hole through the rib and spar.
Practice kit

1. Trim the notch away with the rest of the waste area. I don't believe that side of the stiffener attaches to anything, so that dimension isn't critical.

2. Use a long (like 12") bit to match drill those holes. You can even flex the bit a little to drill perpendicular to the spar.