
I am building the aeleron kit and the leading edge is not comming out correctly. After rolling the leading esge and making the lap joint I am having a hard time aligning the top and bottom skin because I did not pre-drill bottom skin. Was I supposed to do this?

Any tips would be appreciated!
the directions say to drill after assembly and bending- i seem to remember i riveted the skins on, bent the curved sections to where i liked them and used cleko clamps, on e on each side to hold the position. drilled and tried to debur, then riveted.
Practice Kit

I riveted the entire assembly together, including trailing edge. Last step was to roll the leading edge and pop rivet it together. Here is a pic before I finished the remaining rivets--final step is to roll the front.
Good luck with your project.

Try rolling the leading edges of each side individually before riveting them to the ribs. It will be much easier doing it that way. Then cleco them on the ribs and spar, cleco clamp the ends of the leading edge, then match drill the holes. To be sure you align the matched holes your will be drilling through one leading edge into the other, do a dry fit and mark through one of the end holes where it should be since the plans give no specific dimension. Measure this from the edge and draw a line all the way down so it is parallel to the front edge of the skin. This way when you go to match drill you will see that line through the holes which will keep it perfectly aligned.
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