
Well Known Member
I have a powered ANR headset that normally runs from a little 9V battery pack. I bought the power supply module for it to connect to ships power. The module has a 0.25 amp inline fuse to it. The instructions say to wire to the avionics master / buss including the ground, and to not ground to the airframe and thus avoid "isolated ground" and RFI pickup.

So that prevented me tapping into the wire to the 12V accessory outlet, so I have run wires up into the panel area. Now, since I do not have the avionics kit yet, I am wondering - where will I connect these? In looking at the plans for Section 42, it seems that all of the avionics boxes connect to the power section via DB-9-type or similar computer plug connectors. Will I have to splice into a couple of those wires that feed a particular plug somewhere? Is there a common ground point for the avionics (maybe on the intercom?) that I can land on with a ring terminal? Thanks for any advice. I am assuming the Skyview module will be similar - unless maybe the Vertical Power option is used...

By the way, my ANR headset is a modified David Clark non-ANR model, using the Headsets Inc. replacement modules - very inexpensive compared to a new ANR headset and does a really great job! Had them for a dozen years or so now.
Headset power

It is hard to give you a good answer because the control board will be completely different for the SkyView. The ground wire is easy. Connect it to the airframe at the same place where the control board is connected. I know that the directions say not to connect to the airframe; but all of the avionics connect to the airframe at the panel. You have the right idea about tapping into the radio power wire. That will work. Or the new control board might have an easy hookup for aux equipment.