
With a fixed pitch prop, is it necessary to know anything other than RPM to ascertain what percentage of the engine?s rated horsepower is being produced? That is, would manifold pressure, altitude, mixture, etc., all be ?accounted for? by the RPM actually being produced?

More specifically, could a person flying behind an O-360, with a fixed pitch prop, test fly the aircraft in the same cruise configuration, at different RPMs (which would mean different manifold pressures), but at a single altitude and mixture setting, record the data necessary to calculate horsepower using the Lycoming power charts, correlate the RPMs from the raw data to the percentage of power calculated from the charts, label the steam gauge tachometer with those percentages, and have a quick and accurate reference for percentage power even when flying at altitudes and mixtures different from those used during the test flight?

My gut tells me that: 1) ROP vs LOP would matter with a constant speed prop because, as power varied with mixture, the governor would vary the blades? pitch accordingly to maintain the same RPMs; but, 2) blade pitch obviously won?t vary like that with a fixed pitch prop. If a fixed pitch prop has more power delivered to it, then it spins faster and vice versa with less power. Right?

My gut also tells me that altitude would matter with a constant speed prop because, as power varied because of the varying air charge density and amount of exhaust back pressure, the governor would again vary the blades? pitch accordingly to maintain the same RPMs. But, again, the blade pitch won?t vary like that with a fixed pitch prop. Again, if a fixed pitch prop has more power delivered to it, then it spins faster and vice versa with less power. Right?

Stick and Rudder suggests that the reason a normally aspirated engine, driving a fixed pitch prop, loses RPM as altitude increases is that the friction resulting from a given RPM is constant despite the altitude increase. In other words, there is a certain friction loss at every RPM regardless of the altitude at which those RPMs are generated. It?s just that, at progressively higher altitudes, the HP required to overcome the internal friction of the engine is a progressively higher percentage of the total power available. So, does that mean a fixed pitch prop being operated at high altitude would slightly underreport, via RPMs, the percentage of rated power the engine was actually generating as compared to what that engine would report, via RPMs, at a lower altitude, because a greater proportion of the power would be needed just to overcome friction? Or, am I over-thinking this aspect?

So, in the scenario that I?ve described, does % power = RPM? If not, what am I leaving out?
%Power .NE. RPM


MP is your power indicator along with a few other items such as fuel burn when leaned according to your engine manual.

That's why you can go up to 8,500' and push your throttle in all the way and if your FP is sized correctly, your engine should run right up to its redline (say 2700 RPM) while producing 75%. BTW, you can run that way all you want w/o hurting your engine. Down low, where the air is more dense and you can produce more power, thus 75% power comes at a lower RPM.

Go up higher than that 8,500' and you are producing less than 75% at the same RPM.
But, will it work?

Thanks, Bill and Rich.

Bill, I agree with what you wrote. But, can the "calculation" be simplified when we're only addressing fixed pitch props? Isn't MAP already accounted for / factored in to the RPM produced when using a fixed pitch prop because, other things being equal, more MAP will increase RPM while less MAP will decrease RPM?

Rich, there are some good points in that link. But, MAP is half of the "rule" of 48. So, again, isn't that already accounted for / factored in to the RPM produced when using a fixed pitch prop?

There is one other point brought to mind by Bill's post. Could the mixture be so rich (richer than best power?) or so lean (more than 50 LOP??) that RPM would not suffice to calculate percent power?

Thanks, Bill and Rich.

Bill, I agree with what you wrote. But, can the "calculation" be simplified when we're only addressing fixed pitch props?...
The short answer is no. All of the same inputs are required to determine percent power regardless of whether the prop is fixed pitch or constant speed.
To turn a propeller in denser air requires more power (harder to turn). Air density is determined by altitude, temperature, air pressure, etc. So, rpm is affected by all those variables and not just power.
There us an easy way to compute horse power - but an accurate fuel flow meter is required.

The formula is:
Pounds of Fuel Per Hour/BSFC = HP

Fuel burn is 8 gallons per hour or 48 pounds per hour assuming the fuel weighs 6 pounds per gallon.
The Base Specific Fuel Consumption of my IO360 on the dyno is .51.
(this is .51 pounds fuel burn per hour per horse power)

Using the formula:
Pounds of Fuel Per Hour/ BSFC = 94.1 HP or 52.29% of 180 HP.
(fuel flow meter reading 8 gph)

At one time I calculated HP using a BSFC of .43 based on an engine being broke in and leaned to peak EGT. The dyno run was with a new engine not broke in and not leaned aggressively. The Lycoming BSFC is probably somewhere between .43 and .51.

Of course other factors such as prop efficiency and age of engine play a roll in how much thrust is being developed. However, I believe for our purposes the formula is in the ball park.
Monte, let me see if I can help you to understand why the RPM is only a part of the story.

Think about driving a car on the flat in a given gear at a given RPM. Then you come to a hill and hold the same gear and the same speed. I think it is intuitive that if you press on the throttle you will be able to hold the speed and get up the hill, but it is also clear the engine will work harder.

So what happened when you pressed on the throttle. The engine sucked in more air and the MP dropped, and the air sucked in more fuel. The engine developed more power, same RPM but more torque.

The power developed is a function of the rpm and the torque. Since you cant easily measure the torque, the MP is used instead because it is indicative of the torque.

I hope that makes it look a little clearer!(?)
But, can the "calculation" be simplified when we're only addressing fixed pitch props? Isn't MAP already accounted for / factored in to the RPM produced when using a fixed pitch prop because, other things being equal, more MAP will increase RPM while less MAP will decrease RPM?
If you look at the power charts in the POH for a type certificated light aircraft, like a Cessna 172, you will usually see that they specify percent power as a function of rpm, altitude and temperature. They don't need to specify the MP, as they know exactly which model engine, which model carburetor, which prop the aircraft has, and exactly how much drag the aircraft has at each weight, altitude and temperature. So, they know how much MP will be required to stabilize at a given rpm in level flight.

With an RV, every aircraft is slightly different. Small intentional, or unintentional differences mean that the curve of drag vs speed varies a bit from aircraft to aircraft. There are dozens of different fixed pitch props used. So, there is no practical way to determine percent power with reference only to rpm.