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I just received my RV-14 Finishing Kit. I have in-house powder coating capabilities, so AMU’s are not an issue. What are some of the pros and cons of powder coating a bare aluminum wheel that I should consider before doing so?
Powder coat

I'm sure you know but study powder coating aluminum. I know a shop that does a lot of wheels. Beautiful. He sand blasts first to clean the aluminum oxide.
Powder-coating wheels....

I just received my RV-14 Finishing Kit. I have in-house powder coating capabilities, so AMU’s are not an issue. What are some of the pros and cons of powder coating a bare aluminum wheel that I should consider before doing so?

Hmmmm.... That might make them look prettier but, hidden under the wheel pants, who is going to ever see them except you when you take the pants off? IMHO: added weight without much benefit....;)
You are going to have tight fitting wheel pants. Will anyone see it except you when wheel pants are off? You have free or low cost powder coating capability, so. up to you. Someone mentioned weight, sure. The biggest offender of aircraft takeoff gross weight, for me is above my belt. So what is rim powder coating weight penalty? Not much. Weight reduction is very important, but this is not going to be a big offender. If you do it, take before and after pics and post it. Love to see it.

I don't have to tell you bearing areas, mating surfaces, screw holes and threads, should not be coated. The worst thing I can make up, you may chip coating while changing tires? Oh and heat. The rims and brakes get hot. I think powered coating can handle it. Don't underestimate how hot brakes can get, which in turns gets the rim and tires hot. ALSO if you have brake fluid leak how will powder coating do with brake fluid? You may want to test it. My guess it will be resistant to heat and brake fluid. I say resistant but not impervious.

I really don't see a legit problem, I am grasping for CONS. If you have the capability, do it, but in general I would warn against deviation from plans. It adds time, cost and weight and often has nil benefit. In your case you have the capability. So ask yourself is it needed? Sometimes the answer is no but the builder wants it.... beauty of building. It's your plane. Up to you. However you should tell yourself no sometimes, because this will not be the last timre you consider doing some bonus add on idea you have. Less is more often in building.
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Of course you'll only see it on condition inspections. And it'll eventually chip. Then what will you do?

A lot of folks go to great lengths to pretty up the engine compartment too, which in a lot of cases only a very few people ever see.
If you want pretty wheels, do it.

Everyone is assuming it's for looks - is that right, or is it corrosion that you're concerned about? If so I'd say it really isn't an issue - or at least it hasn't been for my 24 year old RV-6 on the Oregon Coast. It does get some of that white surface dust where the paint has worn but nothing deep. I may schotchbrite and shoot them with Rustoleum at some point.
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