
Well Known Member
There is a POTUS TFR that spills over into much of the county where I live today.
Could a Canadian aircraft be intercepted/shot down by US military in Canadian airspace? I might just stay on the ground during the TFR today.
The text of any TFR that does this will contain a clause stating the restriction only applies to domestic airspace.
I'd look for a complimentary Canadian NOTAM. A foreign (US or otherwise) military aircraft being even remotely aggressive towards a Canadian civil aircraft wouldn't go over very well.
Looking a bit more into this, I don't see a Canadian NOTAM. Don't take this for legal advice, I may have missed the NOTAM too. A Canadian registered aircraft flying in Canadian airspace over Canada is only expected to follow Canadian rules. The FAA US military and other agencies have no jurisdiction in Canada unless on a joint operation. If it was a joint operation, we'd see a Canadian NOTAM. I'd call up NavCanada's flight service number and see what they say, then probably enjoy a nice afternoon flight. Would certainly be fun and would appease my inner rebel.
I did check for Notams at YQG - nothing. Also called London Flight Service. The gal there said the TFR would apply in Detroit airspace but she didn’t sound to sure. So - I guess if you stay below Detroit’s class B in Canadian airspace you should be OK. I did tune CYQG’s tower during the TFR and there was a gal doing a T&G and she wasn’t fired on.
The NOTAM clearly states that it is for US operations. There have been many similar situations in recent years with the recent campaigning and election and the restricted airspace has never applied to Canadian airspace even though the US NOTAM shows that it does. The only time I can remember a US NOTAM applying to Canadian airspace was when the super bowl was held in downtown Detroit.
“Most of the Country”? I told you a million times never to exaggerate!

VV from the left coast. 3000 miles away.
put your glasses on

the word was COUNTY! Put down the spirits and put on the glasses. OOPS?:D