
Active Member
Hi all,A little history and some of the drawbacks. The fellow that got me into flying [after dreaming about it for half a lifetime],suggested the RV 6 to me in 1994 I believe. I had complained that I hated renting after getting my PPL. So I read the material on the RV6 and thought that was a really neat idea. I bought a compressor and stopped. Things I thought were getting in the way I now see as minor inconveniences,not real road blocks. I bought into a bad partnership and sold, I bought a spam can in Ohio and live in Washington State and flew her home with 79 hrs, under my belt [that is a great story] passenger says we wore out several angels on that trip! I sold half of the spam can to a good friend and it's worked out great. I never could get used to the poor performance of the C-150 in Mtn's and it takes forever to get somewhere, fun but very low key. I found Dan Checkaways site and read it every night while distracting myself to quit smoking. I fell in love with the RV. I have read and surfed so much it's unbelievable. I finally started in sept. on a RV7, now instead of being 42 I'm 57. I can't see them dang little holes when dimpling, I can't bend worth a durn, I like to go to bed way to early and I should have been flying one of these for yrs. now. Don't wait,do it, do it slow if that's the only way but don't put it off. I never understood what my Dad meant about gettin a little age on ya, if you work at labor when your young it catches you and it isn't near as easy too do this building stuff. Waiting was a mistake. I don't have what I want and it sucks to have to buy magnifying glasses, by the way LSS has the best 6in/8in/12in interchangable lenses. I've worked with my regular glasses on upside down to get the right transition lens lined up and it is embarrassing when the dog rolls his eyes and leaves the room. It's a little more physical effort now but I WILL NOT give up my dream ! Gene
That does it.

That's all I needed to hear at this point. Gene, thanks for the insight. I'm calling VAN's on Monday.

Forrest Fox (42)
Sounds like you have made the commiment now, and that is all that matters. No matter how hard we might try you can't undo the past.
On the bright side, the kits are easier to build now with the matched hole drilling. But, at 53, I hear you! My near vision started going bad in my late 40's and the old knees can't bend like they used to, so my next project will be a quick build, but I am still generally having a blast even though the canopy and cowling are not all that fun.

But, I am hoping that 2009 will be the year I fly my own plane after over 40 years of dreaming about it!
If you are in your 20s, 30s, or 40s and 2-3 diopters nearsighted do not get lasik. In your late 40s and on you will have excellent vision for close detail work without readers.
RE:getter done

Hi Gene

In 1998 I started a composite plans built aircraft called a Vision ( ). I was 51 and full of life/vim/vigor/vitality.....After 3 years of on again off again build I realized that I would probably never finish the project. I also got my PPC ( Private Pilot Certificate in Nov. 2001). So I started looking for a good certified aircraft. But the desire for something a little more me to the RV family. After much research and soul searching I choose the RV7A. I was at that time 57 years old!!!!!!!!!!!:eek: I was now offically a member of "the old of the young and the young of the old club". I was still full of life/vim/vigor/vitality but did notice a few more trips to the bathroom.....BPH......So I finally ordered the emp kit and set out to build a plane (start was 9/4/2004). Now 4 plus years later, 61 years old and still heading for the head more than I would like the plane is in the paint stage.....ECi IOX360/fI/ei/garmin stack/dynons efis-ems/trio auto pilot/.....interior by abby at flightline plus my efforts..and alot of custom features....

I began the project on faith and continue even today struggling with some of the final parts of the build process.

So if your going to do it get with it......don't let time pass you by with regrets.

The RV family, the good folks at Van's, your local EAA chapter, and alot of good friends will help you ....GETTER DONE....

Frank @ 1L8 ...RVG7A... painting......trying to getter done...:D
Hi All:

I'm glad to hear there are other old farts that decided to take the plunge. I'm 57 and have just started on my 7A empennage. The granny glasses look funny but they do make it easier to see the holes.

Right now its just too **** cold in the garage to prime, so I am doing the match drilling, burnishing, deburring and more deburring and more deburring. I have the horizontal and vertical stabs ready for priming and am now working on the rudder. I just finished making the rudder stiffeners and am quite surprised with the results. Being a mechanical engineer, I'm not to skillfull with tools but I'm learning.

Paul Ruley
Lafayette IN
It's time

If you are using the current financial crisis in our country as a reason to not get started on your dream, but you can actually afford to get started - don't wait. For about $1600.00 you can get going. Aviation and homebuilding has been around for a long time, it has continued to grow, and it still will. This **** we are all going through right now will end - eventually. You'll be much better educated and further along if you start now rather than wait. It's kind of funny how much I wanted to get my RV-8 finished so I could fly it and how now that it's done, how I miss the building. For most of us it's a passion and I'm sure that it will continue regardless of the economy. It's my life, it's your life and it's too short. I know of, and I'm sure you are too, of a few people who put off doing something they were passionately interested in until it was too late because of some situation they couldn't predict (many times health) and never did what they really wanted to do. Don't worry about looking back, you know, buyer's remorse, because what you learn will always be an answer to a desire, regardless of the outcome. You won't end your life saying "boy, I wish I would have done - that". The community you will meet and become a part of is truly unique and cohesive. There aren't many like it. If you get involved in this RV world, the support is unbelievable. Someone, like you, has been where you are before and is more than willing to offer help or advice. You can do that right here on this site - tons of resources - just send Doug your $25.00 so you don't feel like a freeloader and you'll sleep better. Trust me, there are many of us who have done this more than once who love to do it again vicariously through one of you. We have absolutely no regrets. If you are in the Cincinnati area, come over to HAO. There are about 15 of us and we are all anxious to show you what we know.

RV-6 (sold - mistake)
RV-8 Fastback - finished and flying
Actually placing the tail kit order is one of the first things I will do in 2009 (or maybe late December to avoid the price increase) - that's my New Year's resolution - stop reading about it and get at it! :)
I am a senior citizen wanting to build an RV 10. This time last year, I was ready to order the tail kit at Sun n Fun and get started. My dear ole dad, who is 98, intervened. My family in Florida could no longer care for him. So I took up that responsibility. It has been a life altering experience. I have had to put aside many things and many projects. We did manage to fly to Florida 3-4 times to visit the family. He really enjoyed those flights. I made a wooden step stool to help him get into the plane. Flight planning with him on board has also been challenging.

I have several motion detectors about the house so I can keep track of him. Living alone, it has been an exhausting endeavor. Now, he is really weak and we have decided to place him in a nursing home. So, next Tuesday we drive to Florida, he can no longer fly with me, and see about this task. Next week will be a sad one for me.

Keeping on the bright side. I am back again pursuing that RV 10 goal. I will order the kit at Sun n Fun next year. I have made a list of the tools I will order and finally get started next year. I will be 66 in May and hope that it will be a speedy, ha ha, build.

Stay tuned for many questions.
Hi Gene

In 1998 I started a composite plans built aircraft called a Vision ( ). I was 51 and full of life/vim/vigor/vitality.....After 3 years of on again off again build I realized that I would probably never finish the project. I also got my PPC ( Private Pilot Certificate in Nov. 2001). So I started looking for a good certified aircraft. But the desire for something a little more me to the RV family. After much research and soul searching I choose the RV7A. I was at that time 57 years old!!!!!!!!!!!:eek: I was now offically a member of "the old of the young and the young of the old club". I was still full of life/vim/vigor/vitality but did notice a few more trips to the bathroom.....BPH......So I finally ordered the emp kit and set out to build a plane (start was 9/4/2004). Now 4 plus years later, 61 years old and still heading for the head more than I would like the plane is in the paint stage.....ECi IOX360/fI/ei/garmin stack/dynons efis-ems/trio auto pilot/.....interior by abby at flightline plus my efforts..and alot of custom features....

I began the project on faith and continue even today struggling with some of the final parts of the build process.

So if your going to do it get with it......don't let time pass you by with regrets.

The RV family, the good folks at Van's, your local EAA chapter, and alot of good friends will help you ....GETTER DONE....

Frank @ 1L8 ...RVG7A... painting......trying to getter done...:D

LOL, I got my PPL in 2000, and a few months later started a Vision. What a disaster! I made the seat, and got the entire jig for the fuse built but could not get the foam attachted to the jig without snapping it! Gave up and bought a PA28-140. Graduated to a Mooney M20C for a couple of years. Discovered airplane ownership isn't fun when once a year I need to write a 5 figure check with funds I don't have to maintain airworthiness on a collection of parts that was put together when I was 7. And to top it off, one A&P's version of what was airworthy didn't match the other A&P's version.

I should have started the RV right off the bat. At 50, I may be younger than some of you, but believe me, I can find the humor in the glasses, running to the head, and associated aches and pains from contorting my body into funny shapes. When I was working on the wiring, I had to wear my bifocal safety glasses and one of those magnifying hoods at the same time. I could only see regular out of a little slit between them when I walked around the shop, lol.

My RV is on track to be finished by spring 2010, or therabouts. I'll be very happy to join the ranks of flying rv's!
Look at this....

Keeping on the bright side. .......... I will be 66 in May and hope that it will be a speedy, ha ha, build.

Stay tuned for many questions.

This gent is a friend of mine and also my first transition training student, back in early 2006. He started his slow build -7A at 72, flew it at 77 and is now almost 80. what are you 60..something youngsters waiting for??:)


I agree with the general sentiment of the thread, but disagree with the encompassing subject.

Before you start your RV project, you have to go into it with your eyes wide-open. Starting an RV project without a careful consideration of the cost is like starting to wire your panel without having a schematic or any planning.

True, IF you can handle it financially and elsewise, there is no good reason to delay building an RV.
This has been a pleasant supprise.

Hi all, I am glad that maybe 1 or 2 guys will start this journey because of this thread. I was trying to show the humor in aging. And the regret of not starting earlier. I'm having a great time building, it can be frustrating at times but the sense of achievement when working through a problem [usually with help from VAF] is proof that I just need to push on. I'm learning a lot of new processes, it is fun to learn new stuff. Yesterday I ask my 83 yr. old father to help me put the last dimples in the HS, the middle ones closest to the front,I just couldn't tweek the skin and keep things lined up to accomplish this task. He said after we did a good job on those dimples, he would like to help anytime,boy will that help. For fellas with trouble with glasses I found much better magnifying hood like they sell in the aviation supply catalogs, Lab safety supply LSS, has a new and improved version of the one that's been around forever. It has three different focal length lens and it cheaper than most aero cat. supply outfits. I primed outside in the cold today and then brought everything in the house to dry, whew does it smell in here,if I had a better half she would throw me out with the dog. Gene
Yesterday I ask my 83 yr. old father to help me put the last dimples in the HS, the middle ones closest to the front,I just couldn't tweek the skin and keep things lined up to accomplish this task. He said after we did a good job on those dimples, he would like to help anytime

This is why building is so great!
Before you start your RV project, you have to go into it with your eyes wide-open. Starting an RV project without a careful consideration of the cost is like starting to wire your panel without having a schematic or any planning.

That should go without saying... ;) 'Course, with tools alone costing so much up front, it would be hard to imagine someone accidentally getting into this type of project. :)