Mark Henderson

Well Known Member
I've been a pilot since 1968 and a builder for only 3 years. I finished my 12 one year ago. Don't ge me wrong, I love flying it. But I really miss building it too! Is it normal to Keep wanting to be a builder, not just a pilot? I was glad when Van's came out with the autopilot kit and the wheel pants. I could add them to my plane andnot feel guilty. Even as we speak, I am adding steam guages to my plane in the supposed interest of "safety". Isn't this the excuse every addict uses to justify their addiction?

My wife will divorce me if I start a new airplane. But I find myself looking in Trade- A-Plane for a nice Cub or Champ project.You know, one that doesn't need much work--- Just recoverong and maybe some engine and avionics work. Is there a cure?

Not sure about the 12 with it's limitations on modifications, but there are lots of "projects" one can do on other RVs. Like making a trigear into a taildragger (been there, done that); changing out the gear for different wheels/tires (also been there, done that); modifying the panel (not yet, but maybe down the road), adding interior bits and pieces (I've added a nice fire extinguisher bracket, a mounting spot for my PLB and a few other things); changing the CG by moving the battery or other heavy bit; going to a different prop (not yet, but maybe next winter will try the Aeromatic).

An alternative I have considered is building another airplane (in my case I'm thinking Highlander or Rans) in partner with someone. That would make the cost more reasonable and the time commitment not so large.

The only cure is keep building something....

One Must Have

2 airplanes. One to fly and one to work on. You don't want the one you fly to be the one you work on as you might miss a good flying day on a large project.

As soon as we finished the -12 my Dad started on a Glasair Sportsman and I help him a lot. I am finishing up an RV-9 tail kit he started 8 years ago. After that I may start an RV-8 tail kit. I may or may not ever finish another airplane, but there's always something to work on.

I also want to build a Steen Skybolt. Maybe I'll get a bunch of stuff and start working on the wings. Of course, then I'd have to learn to weld, but hey, it only takes time (and money) and fortunately I have very little of either.
I also enjoy the building more than the flying. I can not express why that is, it just is. Maybe the build portion presents a goal, where the goal is to finish and get the aircraft certified and flying, and my mindset just works toward that environment.

Flying is ok, but I just have not found the "goal" or satisfaction in it. I did enjoy the Phase I flying as there were specific goals for each flight, with gathering the data, post flight data reduction, and subsequent analysis: very informative, sometimes puzzling numbers that needed answers, but overall very enjoyable. My plane is a slow build -6A.
Well I would say that all you need is another project.
When the DAR signed off my first plane he said "This will not be your last"
I looked at him puzzled because I thought that was not the case.
Well I always have an eye open for a project. Some have been repaints
some have been more. After the RV-8 was done for about a year I started looking again. Another year later I found what I was looking for. The beauty of this is you have no pressure to find one or finish it quickly because you have a flying plane. My RV is flying and the current project is stalled for now....another plus it will be ready when I am. My career changed and I have been focused on that. So after I take this next test and am done with studying I will finish the Champ project I bought. Right now I am the project.
This time the plan is to keep both flying. I think with 2 aircraft to care for and keep flying .......just maybe I will have enough to do so I don't buy another project. Tell the wife with a project she will always know where you are and what you are doing :)

I was watching TV the other night and there was a guy on a show talking about big boys and their toys. I love this quote.

"Its not how many toys you have when you are done but how many you have played with"

Sal Capra
Lakeland FL
N-898SC (washing, waxing, flying)
N-2504E ready for cover
More common that you probably think! I'm in the same boat. After a few months of flying my 7, I got the itch to build again. I didn't do anything about it at the time, but it kept coming in to my brain, and eventually, the builder won over the flyer. I had a Thatcher CX-4 project for a short while, then sold it, and have now started on a Wittman Tailwind. The RV is going down the road (actually across the big blue pond), but I have other flying options, and that is important to be a builder...having something to fly in the meantime!

To my aggravation, I seem to be in the same group. I am much more of an A&P than a PP I guess. I bought an Ercoupe that needed LOTS of TLC, now that it is like new, I am selling it and have no interest in flying it! I am a long ways from done with my 12 but found myself flying to Oshkosh only to lovingly look for my next project - at 73 years old! It has to be some sort of mental deficiency.
My wife will divorce me if I start a new airplane.

Ha! The lovely woman I married insisted that we start building one so that she could enjoy the experience!:D

I am one of those people who loves both flying and building - if I could have exactly the airplane I wanted without building, I probably would still like to tinker.

It's also really nice to have the flying airplane so that the new project can be built at whatever pace you want....but my personality type just has to move forward and finish projects, so we once again find ourselves working hard to get it finished....and then we'll have to start looking for the next one.

Yup - habitual offender!
assist another builder

One way to get your building "fix" without a divorce is to help another builder. I have a friend who has built and is flying a 7A. He enjoys building and has provided a great deal of help to me on my 8A project. Aside from being an extra set of hands, he brings the knowledge that he aquired while building his plane.

He has no obligation, has not spent money buying another project, and if family obligations arise he is free to attend to them. When he is not otherwise obliged to his family or work he enjoys working with me on my project.

I am sure that there is a builder somewhere close to you that would love to have your help and experience with an RV project.
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I am in the same boat with all of the repeat offenders. To boot, I also felt guilty about building from a kit, so this time around I am going the plans-only route. No RV this time, but a Midget Mustang. A box of rolled aluminum lasts a long time since you have to make every part. I also haunt the classified ads, so this aircraft isn't the large cash outlay the first one was.

Give this a'll like it!

Great Suggestion......

Amen on that brotha!

One way to get your building "fix" without a divorce is to help another builder. I have a friend who has built and is flying a 7A. He enjoys building and has provided great deal of help to me on my 8A project. Aside from being an extra set of hands, he brings the knowledge that he aquired while building his plane.

He has no obligation, has not spent money buying another project, and if family obligations arise he is free to attend to them. When he is not otherwise obliged to his family or work he enjoys working with me on my project.

I am sure that there is a builder somewhere close to you that would love to have your help and experience with an RV project.
Hi, my name is Patrick and I'm a Buildaholic.:eek:

(Hi, Patrick!)

I had barely got my first project flying before I started on the next. Fortunately, Judith has been not only understanding but also helpful as a riveter and bucker. Plus, she does enjoy flying with me, and knows both the risks and rewards of building and flying. It's got to be tougher if the spouse only sees the downside. You've already gotten some good suggestions; all I can add is go back to the methods that worked in convincing her to let you do the first project and be patient. Soon you'll be amongst the ranks of repeat offenders.;)
Start another one. I flew my RV12 in August, 2010, started a JA Highlander April, 2011. (I am a huge fan of Van's Aircraft, but wanted a tube and fabric build) When the RV12 was finished and I flew off the 5 hours, I felt like my favorite horse died. Flying is fun and all, but I don't want to go anywhere. I'm probably going to sell the RV12 this year, it's all about the build. If I could find another partner interested, it would be fun to try to set a build-speed record with another RV12...

Post-achievement depression syndrome, PADS, is a common thing - not limited to homebuilders. Basically, it's caused by the successful completion of any large, time-consuming project that involves a significant investment and perceived risk.

Not everyone gets it. For those that do, it seems to last until your attention is again absorbed by something else.

Post-achievement depression syndrome, PADS, is a common thing - not limited to homebuilders. Basically, it's caused by the successful completion of any large, time-consuming project that involves a significant investment and perceived risk.

I have no idea what you're talking about. :rolleyes: (See signature).
Postpartum depression. AKA post- Build depresionsion

My "cure" was to design and build a behind-the-seat fuel tank.
Now what can I do next? :D
Joe Gores

Well Joe, since you asked... How about some nice stabilator tips which would mount into rivnuts installed in those ugly holes? Or gear leg fairings which would finish off the great work Jetguy and Dog did on the intersection fairings?

I agree and appreciate the help

I scrolled down looking for this another builder in your area. This response if written much better than what I could have come up with! Seek out a builder in you area!

One way to get your building "fix" without a divorce is to help another builder. I have a friend who has built and is flying a 7A. He enjoys building and has provided great deal of help to me on my 8A project. Aside from being an extra set of hands, he brings the knowledge that he aquired while building his plane.

He has no obligation, has not spent money buying another project, and if family obligations arise he is free to attend to them. When he is not otherwise obliged to his family or work he enjoys working with me on my project.

I am sure that there is a builder somewhere close to you that would love to have your help and experience with an RV project.
Well Joe, since you asked... How about some nice stabilator tips which would mount into rivnuts installed in those ugly holes? Or gear leg fairings which would finish off the great work Jetguy and Dog did on the intersection fairings?
Didn't another builder already make stabilator tips?
Yes, Jetguy and RDog did great work. I will wait for them to make gear leg fairings.
Joe Gores
Skunk Works

No plans at this time to make strut fairings. But we are working on a light easy way to direct the air better from the side air vents for people who live in the lower latitude where there is serious heat. These are things you come up with when you are stuck in the plane all day on your way back from OSH. ;)

No plans at this time to make strut fairings. But we are working on a light easy way to direct the air better fromr vents for people who live in the lower latitude where there is serious heat. These are things you come up with when you are stuck in the plane all day on your way back from OSH. ;)

You guys are just too funny. We are gonna start calling you two Orville & Wilber, you just never stop thinking of things to improve the -12.

I hate to break this to you though...... you can take your OSH arm band off now, the party is over. ;)
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You guys are just too funny. We are gonna start calling you two Orville & Wilber, you just never stop thinking of things to improve the -12.

I hate to break this to you though...... you can take your OSH arm band off now, the party is over. ;)

Hi Larry,
No one has offered to let us build their 12 yet so we have to do something in our spare time.:D

PADS cannot be relieved by doing household chores and projects, that kind of work is mentally harmful and should be avoided. Also, tools from the project should never be used for chores, it will destroy their self esteem.

Gary "tall weeds" Steube
Wrist Band

Im not taking off my OSH wrist band until next year when I put the new one on.:(
Air vent

Go to a junk yard and get the heater duct hoses and run them from the vent up to the panel, might have to call the Appollo13 guys to help you mount a round hose to a square hole.
Cooler cockpit

I bought one of those fans that fit inside a 28 quart cooler filled with ice and put it in the luggage compartment. They only cost about 30 or 40 bucks on Ebay, and it's absolutely amazing how badly they work...
Meade and George
You guys are just too funny. We are gonna start calling you two Orville & Wilber, you just never stop thinking of things to improve the -12.

I hate to break this to you though...... you can take your OSH arm band off now, the party is over. ;)

How about transition plexi that gets darker the more it's exposed to the sun?
RV-12 AC

John, When you get the ductwork figured out, work in a way to route the airflow through a damp media. Then we can have an airborne swamp cooler. I know you can do it!

104F & dry in lower latitude
It seems to be, that thinking of wifes are comparable around the world ;) My tells me the same from the begining of the RV-12 assemby ;) but i am always answering: "Darling, next plane will be just and only for you!" (She can't fly, but the sentence is working well i hope ;)

greetings for all maried (and not yet) :)