Greg Arehart

Well Known Member
I'm looking for an update on posting photos from Imageshack to the forum. I used to be able to get the appropriate codes for posting real photos (not just the thumbnail links), but can't seem to figure out how to get the codes correctly any more (as usual, stuff changes and not always for the better or easier).

Alternatively, I'm very willing to switch hosting sites if there is an easier or simpler solution. Would appreciate any comments from those of you who are able to get photos into the forum.


When you upload the photo, the links are now in a different location. They are above the photo on the page after the upload. I've been using the top link, called the Direct Link to the Image. Click on the link once and it all highlights (by this I mean the actual URL in the yellow box, not the work "Link" in direct link, which is also a hyperlink. Copy (or Ctrl+C), then go back to your post.

In your post, click on the insert image box (yellow box with mountain and sun), and a box pops up with an HTTP:// in it (and its highlighted). Just leave it highlighted and paste (or Ctrl+V) the link in the box (that should prevent a double HTTP://

Then make sure the cursor is where you want the pic, and hit OK. I'm using Image Shack like this on a couple posts right far so good.

Glad you made it home OK...thanks for the text upon arrival!

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Hey Greg - you might give Picassa a try - very easy, great organizer for your computer, and no pop-up windows or ads like we frequently see with Imageshack. I've been using it exclusively for a couple years now.

Bob, Paul,

Thanks for the posts. I finally figured it out and have posted our trip. I have been meaning to try Picasa for a while, maybe can get to it over the remainder of the holidays.

Sorry you missed BBL Paul! A good time was had by all and a great flight home to Reno from there.
