Charles in SC

Well Known Member
What is the easyist photo host to use? I am not a computer guy at all. I tried Photo bucket but could not figure out how to do it. I spent way to much time trying to close ads that kept popping up. I decided it was more trouble than it was worth.
Thanks in advance!
I prefer
Works best when the photo is horizontal.
Select 640 x 480 for message board.
Copy the I'M boards link
Click on the VAF photo link button
Paste but make sure there is only one set of "
Google Photos

I use google photos but you have to set the sharing correctly... there is a learning curve. One gotcha is if the sharing is not correct and you are logged in to Google you will see your photo in your posting but the rest of the world will not.

On the plus side, it's where I keep all my photos and I don't plan to ever move them so the links will never break.

I have been using Photobucket for years. It even generates the CODE needed to post from an iPad.
I used, probably the same as photobucket... you upload an image or set of images and it gives you the cut and past to post to a forum.