Well Known Member
Like many of you every year I cross my fingers to see if my picture submission to Vans makes it in the Calendar. Being that the calendar is for sale now and I did not get a call, I am sure I did not make it in. So below are 2 pics. Not edited. They were taken by Pat Dulaney during the California Capital Airshown. She does a wonderful job taking pics and takes it very seriously. What did you submit?



axel, i was lucky to be part of a photo shoot by ed hicks. all the pics were fantastic, shot from a 172 with 5 rvs in combination of formations. what i noticed was a major part of the pics were shot with water some where.

pm me your address and ill send you one of the comp calendars i recieved. your rv looks nice. ;):)
Great idea Axel - I'll have to dig out a shot or two.

We also still need a list of who's IN the calendar this year!
Not sure if Don sees this forum but Don Short's beautiful RV7 is on the back cover substituting for a mirror for a lovely lady!
I was going to submit this one, but discovered that I had shot it at the "medium" size setting on my camera, which made it a little too small to meet the size guidelines set by Van's.


Great picture, just wasn't thinking ahead when I took it. :rolleyes:
front, vans rv14
jan/ turbo
feb/ dayton murdoch
mar/ gary palinkas
apr/ david wilkinson
may/ john olivera
jun/ dana saucier jr, bob leffler, geoff combs rv10s
july/ wayne mcmaster
aug/ chris thelan
sept/ jerry vangrunsven
oct/ beauregard rivard
nov/ micheal hoover
dec/ great britians team raven 4 rv8s
rear, allison hoyt/don shorts rv8
WOW! Made Calendar

Yes Steve taking your advice, I sent it in to Van's. I fill so fortunate to have had Matt Steward, who runs the "", an awesome web site if you want to watch video's of all kinds of flying experiences, take this picture at a fly in here at Haskell Oklahoma. The beautiful girl in the picture Allison Hoyt whom is an A&P in the Tulsa area.

The Calendar is full of beautiful RV's, so get a copy!!!!

I sent this one in. It looks like there was a lot of excellent competition. Can't wait to see the final product.

First flight

That is me in the right seat. It was my first time to see some RV's in person and my first flight in an RV. How cool is it that Moose captured the moment?:D:D:D Moose was kind enough to send me the picture, so you can bet that it is my background screen on my computer. We flew over to Mallard's Landing and my wife and I were given the red carpet treatment. Brian Wallis did a great job sponsoring the fly-in at his place. There is noting like having your wife realize that the RV community is composed of exceptional people. I remember meeting Dan Horton and after talking with him for a while realizing he was no average Joe. Now that I have seen many of Dan's posts, he is pretty freaking smart. Thank you Moose for capturing the "moment" with such a great picture.

I was going to submit this one, but discovered that I had shot it at the "medium" size setting on my camera, which made it a little too small to meet the size guidelines set by Van's.


Great picture, just wasn't thinking ahead when I took it. :rolleyes:
help me understand

In regards to the aircraft in post #14.

How can the plane be at that angle of attack on take off if the elevators are completely neutral? Seems to me that you would have to have the stick back all the way to get that angle.
In regards to the aircraft in post #14.

How can the plane be at that angle of attack on take off if the elevators are completely neutral? Seems to me that you would have to have the stick back all the way to get that angle.

Not quite sure how Brian did it , but I witnessed it in person when he did. :)
RV-4 Takeoff

Hi Bill.

In reply to your post. I didn't have alot of time on the aircraft at the time and it was my worst takeoff ever. I had my girlfriend in the back seat and if I remember correctly I only had slight down elevator trim. I jolted the stick on takeoff and got off a little too early speed wise; I believe it was around 60 mph. Had to quickly correct for roll to the right and put the nose down quickly. I believe the climb angle is about 20 degrees. I've always had that takeoff in the back of my mind and it keeps me honest now. The old saying learn from your mistakes.

I was lucky to get away with this one and haven't had a bad takeoff since. The photographer happened to capture the photo at the right time and it certainly catches your attention for sure. Hope this explains it a little better for you.

Believe my friend Paul Tuttle, he was there that day.
Some very nice pics.

Ron (post #17), I cannot believe your picture did not make the calendar. That is a great picture. Can you email me the full res?
These are so good that I am not even going to show what I submitted.
You guys are good.
Pat Garboden
Katy, TX
I think this is one I teased Ken with - but Tsam was in the calendar previously, so I didn't expect him to use it.

do you know how post picture right side up? Nice pic. Sorry I missed you at ICAS.
In regards to the aircraft in post #14.

How can the plane be at that angle of attack on take off if the elevators are completely neutral? Seems to me that you would have to have the stick back all the way to get that angle.

if he kept it back too long he would of stalled, correct. :eek:
once he got the angle wanted neutralize the elevator and up he goes. :)
Some very nice pics.

Ron (post #17), I cannot believe your picture did not make the calendar. That is a great picture. Can you email me the full res?

Thanks, I was a little surprised be honest. I'd be glad to email a high res version to you.
Back in the day...

Like many of you every year I cross my fingers to see if my picture submission to Vans makes it in the Calendar.


Too bad Rockets don't count...

My Hornet/F5 buddy Skids on my Rocket (Aslan's) wing


PS: I was blessed to make the Calendar in 97', the photo taken unpainted over the Idaho back-country was the RV4 photo on Van's website for 10 years.
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Lots of great pictures of flying airplanes, always inspiring. I wonder if it add something to fit in some inset photos of planes under construction, or maybe a second calendar set.
Lots of great pictures of flying airplanes, always inspiring. I wonder if it add something to fit in some inset photos of planes under construction, or maybe a second calendar set.

Do you really want someone critiquing your handiwork for an entire month? :D
Model specific

Too bad they don't have a model specific calendar.
It would be nice to see and it would provide more entries for everyone-like me.
Still smashin rivets on my Sloooooooooow build RV-6. :rolleyes: