
Well Known Member
I saw a couple of recent posts saying that the plane seems to feel more solid on the ground after the gear and side skin upgrade. That's nice to know as not all my landings in the 172 are good ones, and I suppose the same will apply to the -12 when I get finally get it flying. Probably subjective I know, but I was wondering if anybody else has noticed any difference after completing the SB?
Another note - -

this, as well as most other light planes, requires very quick reactions just before touch-down to keep from making bouncy landings. The slightest gust will put you back up 3 - 5' in a second. For maybe 10 seconds you really need to be " quick with the stick ", or it may not be pretty.

Nearly 500 hours

I haven't seen the unsteadiness you describe. My 12 always seems solid in the flare as long as I'm on target speed to the flare (I use 57 KIAS). If I'm a little fast I do bounce off the ground effect. Even wind doesn't seem to be an issue although I have yet to encounter anything really gusty. --- I usually choose Budweiser over flying if it gets too windy! :)

I think it is quieter on the ground. I might be imagining things, but I seem to remember a "rumble" on roll out that is no longer there after completing the SB. A more solid feeling for sure...... I think. It's all pretty subjective.
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Hey Rich - -

you have not been in gusty conditions yet for sure with that answer. You will find out when you do. Just about touch-down, and a gust will take you right back up quickly. Just need to react quickly is all.
Per the book

and mike's transition training, I use 55 KIAS on final-- flare is something less than that and touchdown is quite a bit less but not enough to get the stall warner. Easiest airplane I've ever flown to make good , roll-on landings, something I rarely did in the AA-1 Yankee.

Wayne 120241/143WM
Just completed the SB. went well. Only had to drill out one cherry max rivet and replace. Seems like the plane sits a little higher or am I imagining things? Hardest part was cleaning up after.
Landing gear fairings no longer fit!

I just finished the service bulletin today and it went very well. It took about 8 hours. During re-assembly I found that the gear to fuselage fairing from "Buy Plane Parts" no longer fits due to a slight change in the geometry between the fuse and the gear leg. Not the end of the world, just wanted to let ya know.