
Well Known Member
Looking for suggestions on what to chase for comm issues post paint. Picked up the plane from the paint shop and had issues with comm during post paint check-out. Managed to communicate barely... and had backup radio so headed on home.

Prior to paint removed the antenna.

Post paint - paint "dust" was in forward interior area; Radio had "noise" and "breaks/pops".

Attempts to check and fix included:
- cleaned up interior,.. and used computer cleaner spray can for dust removal on radio
- used conductive "caulk" on antenna mounting screws for "grounding through attachment screws"
- checked antenna connector,.. will have to admit... could not get my body, eyes, and glasses all in alignment to absolutely positively without a doubt confirm fully seated... but have made several efforts at tightening and convinced it is as tight as possible

currently have
- slight "noise" and breaks/pops,.. but nowhere near original status
- no problem with local ops and dealing with relative close contacts... however when attempting cross country and dealing with "Center" get unable to read,... broken .... now 2x5,.... however can hear them clearly... and ended up punching ident to confirm/communicate with them

