
Active Member
I can post in the RV12 specific, but I can't find a way to post in the general VAF forum. Can I? If so, how?
I can post in the RV12 specific, but I can't find a way to post in the general VAF forum. Can I? If so, how?

Look on the right side. Column named "Forum". Click on one that says "RV General Discussion/News"
Jay, did you get to the "RV General Discussion/News" forum? Depending on your browser and how you have your configuration set, you should have a headline banner (near top of page) that shows the navigation folder structure. If I want to change forums I usually click on the root folder (VAF Forums) and then navigate to the subfolder (XXX) from there.

I'm not a computer weenie, so I hope this makes sense. Let us know if you are still having difficulties. We all learn something new each day.

Mel's method will work, too, if you're looking at a list from a "Search" or from "Today's Posts" (Under "Quick Links").
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