
Well Known Member
Hello VAF!

I'm getting home from an all expense paid four month vacation to the Middle East on Saturday. I was excited to get back into my RV-8 to go fly home until I found out that the plane wasn't used while I was away. Long story short, the plane hasn't been flown in at least two months and the weather has been very cold! Fortunately, it was in a hanger the whole time.

Bottom line, what do I need to do to make sure the engine is safe to fly? When I left, there was only about 15 hours on a fresh oil change.

Thank you for your time!

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Dear Matt
First let me say thank you for your service to our country! ok well yes it would have been good to have the engine run while you were deployed. However, I do not think any real damage has been done to your engine. Change the oil and give it a good look over. Joe
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Welcome home!

The typical time between oil changes is 4 months (some do 6). Change the oil and go fly after a very thorough pre-flight and ground run.

Having a friend ground run the engine is actually not a good thing to do. The engine needs to be run at normal operating temperature (180-190) for an hour or so to deal with moisture that accumulates inside.
You will be fine!

First, welcome back. Glad you are safe!!! Don't spend one minute fretting over it not flying for 2 months. It's been waiting for you. :) As someone else posted, the ground running would have caused more harm. I think you are lucky in both aspects.

Go fly and enjoy it!

Take care.


Thanks for coming home. I would just run-up after checking every thing closely and a long good pre-flight. Do a couple, three Mag. check and full static run-ups. With the weather cool the way it is now, Taxi around some, get out on the runway and make three good full power 50%-50% runs to aborts . Then you know you have good power and fuel delivery. When it all sounds and runs good, go fly and get back on your everyday time line.
If you have any questions or need help, PM me, I am in Advance at 8A7.
Thanks for what you have done for us and welcome back to the fun.
hope this helps, R.E.A. III #80888
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Big thank you for your service......sitting that long inside I see no problem...oil change and careful preflight ...Tom
Welcome Home !!!

Since the oil was relatively new, and if you parked it hot (oil had been up to 180 or so) then the acids would be quite low and being parked a non issue.

Actually, I am not sure what an oil change will help before running. Warm oil drains better anyway. Run (fly) and get the oil hot, then drain and replace. Capture a sample and send it to Blackstone.

Taking a sample won't reverse anything, but when you get results back, if the iron content in the sample is within norms, then nothing unpleasant happened. And - -you will never wonder if something happened.
I wouldn't change the oil either. I would just do what others are suggesting. Thorough preflight, let the engine come up to temp and go fly it.

I am also deployed overseas and it has been over two months since my 8 has flown. I hope to get home on leave in a couple of weeks and fly it then.

Given what you told us about yours I would not worry about it at all. Do a good preflight, fly it, get the oil hot and then change the oil. I do use Cam Guard and Motorstor in my engines when I know I m going to be gone for a while.

I have an O-300 that sometimes sits for months outside near Atlanta and I have no problems. It does have ECI ceramanil cylinders so the cam is my biggest worry but the Cam Guard plus Motorstor seem to keep me out of trouble. I have pulled cylinders which gives me a good view of the cam and I have never found any rust even after several months.

Also, as others have said, it is better for the engine to set than to ground run it. To do any good the oil temp needs up to approximately 180 indicated for at least 45 minutes to an hour.

Welcome back,

John P
Hey Guys!

Thank you very much for all of the support! Definitely an example of why I purchased my 8. I love the community and brotherhood!

I'll let everyone know how it goes when I get back.

Welcome back Matt !

Good to hear your on the way back my friend! A BIG hello from 8A7. As others have said..don't sweat the couple months of it sitting. Mine has done that a couple times (hate to admit it). We have missed you at the Pik N Pig...time for a trip back to NC!
I recently noticed that Phillips has a new aviation oil with the Lycoming recommended additive package called "Victory". They also have an oil for low usage aircraft and one for storage. It might be worth checking those out.

Preflight the 8 and the pilot and go enjoy the skies.
Welcome home and thank you for your service!

I would do some pre-planning to deal with a possible dead battery.
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From one Matt to another Welcome Home! Thank you for your service!

Fly it like you stole it and enjoy a cold beer afterwards!

A possible dead battery is the only thing I'd be concerned about. I went to fly Sunday, 50*, Sunny, and warm southerly winds were waiting form me at 9G3 along with a dead battery in the 172.
IF I were leaving up to 2 months, I would just fly it to 200 plus oil temp. Maybe fill sump full with 2 qts of heavy straight weight and idle hot to mix it in a few minutes.

On return, drain the extra 2 qts from 8 to 6 and fly again to hot oil.

Change oil if it is time.

I usually run camguard and half 15w50 and half straight weight at 6 qts, using 1 per 20 hrs. In summer I add straight weight qt, in winter I add 15w50.

I run decalin and 1/2 100LL and 1/2 90 octane no ethanol to minimize leading.

BY Tempest plugs and 9:1 H2AD pistons. Carb, no vapor lock to date.
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