
Active Member
I`m about to order a RV-8, my plan is to get a slow build fuse and order QB wings when everything else is done due to lack of space for storage... My Dad (Prev RV-4 Builder) mentioned that i can not build the "box" in the fuse without having the wingspar available... Is that true on the pre-punshed -8?

What was absolutely true for your Dad is not true for the RV8. What you suggest is perfectly acceptable. As a matter of fact, that's exactly what I've seen done a number of times. Slow build fuselage and QB wings is a good plan!

yes. you have to order the center spar with the fuse. about 900 or so.
when you order the wing kit, you can ask not to send the center spar in the wing kit. I am doing this now with my 9a.
I went the other way, building the wings, then getting a QB fuselage.
I had the send in the center section so the QB builders could install it in the fuse.
For me, the center section came with the wing. It's drilled to the spars.
Just call Van's. They will tell you what combinations will work and why.
I ordered the QB fuse when I fell behind a friend building an RV-6. Van's had recently announced that QB components could be ordered instead of a whole aircraft.
The current -1 RV-8 Fuse kit has the wing center section as part of the kit. The only thing you need to order extra is the 'Longeron Kit'. which contains the longerons and the extra angle you will need for fabrication. A box and a long PVC tube are delivered.
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Emailed Van`s my order incl the query regarding this... As i Understand it after reading on Van`s web page, You can build the fuselage without wings but not the opposite, then you need to send your wing spar box to van`s for some reason...

I am building the RV-8 fuselage. I have not ordered wings. The kit came with the Center Section. In the old days, the Center Section came with the wing kit. No Longer. The new, matched-hole -1 fuselage kit can be built first, without ordering the wing kit. In your case, I would order the entire kit, empennage, fuselage and wings. Store the wing kit somewhere until ready. You will save a ton of money in shipping to Sweden if you order all at once.
I have the older wings that came with the center section. I'm just about done building the newer (2011) fuselage with the newer center section. I havnt fit the wings yet but vans told me not to use the older center section. I sure hope the wings fit properly.
As it is now, i have ordered everything incl FWF except the wings, due to many reasons, lack of storage area, exchange rate is very up and down at the moment, and 8 months lead time for only QB wings... So i decided to get everything done so i can just put the wings on before flying...