
Active Member
Hi All,
I completed an RV12 last year (a five month build beginning with a Synergy Air quick built kit). The kit and instructions were terrific, and the plane is a joy to fly. Unfortunately, I really miss the building process and am considering starting an RV14A QB. I was wondering if anyone has experience with both kits, and can compare them (quality, completeness, flying characteristics, etc.) beyond a comparison of the specs.
A buddy of mine is building a 12, the 14 is more complex and will take longer as just about everything is regular rivets, very few pop rivets.

I'm spending 20-30 hours per week (with help) and he's spending about 10-15 hours per week (by himself) and we're about at the same place.

But the 14 is a more capable and larger airplane, worth the effort, and it is fun to build.
Hi All,
I completed an RV12 last year (a five month build beginning with a Synergy Air quick built kit). The kit and instructions were terrific, and the plane is a joy to fly. Unfortunately, I really miss the building process and am considering starting an RV14A QB. I was wondering if anyone has experience with both kits, and can compare them (quality, completeness, flying characteristics, etc.) beyond a comparison of the specs.

Wish you lived here in our neck of the woods Barry. We could always use another experienced mentor for our Eagle's Nest RV-12 Student Built Project. Can never have too many mentors!
Or if you really like to build, might I recommend an RV-3B? There's plenty of good building fun in that kit.
