
Well Known Member
This is only a small issue but I was wondering if others have noticed this.

The cowl moulding I received doesn't match the plans such that trimming as per plans wouldn't leave a 'step' for the top cowl to fit in, but a flat spot that would make the top cowl over lap rather than fit flush.

In the image below I have marked where the plans say to trim. It looks like the step around the front should go all the way to the trim line but it doesn't appear to on mine.

Is this normal?


I have a couple of options here I guess. Trim it further to remove the non-step part or to fibreglass on the inside and sand the step all the way to the scribe line.
I trimmed a near vertical line with appropriate curves and sanded a bevel for a smooth fit. The vertical line intersects the flat and convex portion of the canopy.
That was my initial plan as long as it looks strong enough (adding fibreglass if it looked a bit thin). I just thought I'd check if this was normal or if I had been sent a moulding for a different RV.

It does seem unusual given how accurate most parts/drawings normally are, I guess we are spoilt mostly with this kit so the odd mismatch shows up more :D
Stick to the plans, all will be revealed...

If I understand your question and picture correctly, here's whats going to happen. As you proceed thru the build, you will be following a process that helps you trim and position the upper and lower halves correctly. Be patient with the parts and with yourselves. Read and re-read the instructions carefully.
The end result will be that the sides of the upper and lower halves will form a "Butt Joint" on each side held together by the Piano Hinges that you will fit there. The halves will overlap only at the front where you will install Nut Plates on the lower half and screws through the upper half.
I hope this makes sense and is helpful to you.
Best Regards,
On second thought...

I re-read your post and believe I was misinterpreting you question (wish it were the first time this has happened!). Nevertheless I'll stand by the earlier counsel to be patient and read instructions carefully (end of "sermon").

I do recall some "custom fitting" in the area you show in the picture, but cannot recall how much was necessary.

I did not feel the need to reinforce mine with additional fiberglass, but I'm sure there is a little variation among the production lots. It couldn't hurt to do so if needed, nothing else will interfere.
OK, just one more thing...

Regarding muffler to Oil Cooler clearance...
At some point, Van's revised the exhaust pipes to provide more space for airflow behind the oil cooler.
If you have one of the older kits, you may want to consider modifying the air duct that you install into the lower bowl such that the cooler will sit further forward about 3/4 to 1 inch.
I believe there are numerous discussions in the forums on that topic.

Again, Best Regards,
Thanks for the reply, the it is a new-ish one (arrived the start of the year) so hopefully it has the modification in it.

I have read through the plans but it doesn't show any extra trimming other than stated. I had to trim it slightly more in that area to allow the two halves to fit without an overlap, it still looks strong enough to not require any re-enforcing so all is good :D Just have to be careful with the extra trimming not to create a hole where the parts join.