I have a set of their nav/strobes on my RV-9A. After a couple of years they started acting up and I sent them back for repairs. They claimed that they just needed to resolder some components. All has been well until recently when the strobe lights on the left side failed to disable when you ground the sync line.
I haven't noticed anything burnt like in your picture.
RS means resistance of source, so it is likely just a resistor that burned out. Check the other side and see if you can find any markings on that component, or just use an ohmmeter on it to get a reading.
I don’t have any info on Ztron troubleshooting, but I have a couple of lights that I have never installed that I would be willing to sell, cheap.

I have Ztron installed for 8 yrs and no issues but they are out of business. if they are low cost I will take them.
It looks to me that RS1 is a 0R47 (0.47) ohm resistor, and is used to set the current through the strobe LEDs. Confirm with the data sheets and your calipers to see if a 2512 size resistor will fit in the space given, otherwise there are smaller sizes.

Ideally you'd use SMD tools to repair this but it can also be done with regular hand soldering tools if it is on a conventional fiberglass PCB.
A cell phone repair guy will be able to do this in under two minutes.

Good luck!
And if the luck runs out I know someone who can set you up with some new lights...
It looks to me that RS1 is a 0R47 (0.47) ohm resistor, and is used to set the current through the strobe LEDs. Confirm with the data sheets and your calipers to see if a 2512 size resistor will fit in the space given, otherwise there are smaller sizes.

Ideally you'd use SMD tools to repair this but it can also be done with regular hand soldering tools if it is on a conventional fiberglass PCB.
A cell phone repair guy will be able to do this in under two minutes.

Good luck!
And if the luck runs out I know someone who can set you up with some new lights...

thx, good guy.