Guy Prevost

Well Known Member
Well, the show is over for me for another year. Much like flying, Oshkosh overwhelms the mind with so many delightful and interesting things that all of the bad stuff associated with everyday life gets pushed out of the way. I can't believe how bummed I am to be home. The wife is the same way. We spent all morning drinking coffee and looking over ya'lls photos. When we got to this video on the airventure site, the wife sprung a leak: I, of course, remained dry eyed and stoically unaffected. :rolleyes:

There were so many things to see this year it's hard to pick a favorite. Among the highlights were watching hundreds of Sunday arrivals on Runway 27, photographing AeroShell square at night after Bob Collin's "Piece of Grass," and listening to Dick Rutan talk about the Voyager. Hearing the emotion in Dick's voice as he described the end of that journey over ten years ago almost put me in the cockpit with him. Part of the impact was due to listening while peering into the museum's mockup of that tiny little cockpit and imagining the two of them crammed in that small space together for 9 days. Talk about pursuing a dream...

It was a delight meeting as many of you as I did. The dinners and beers with CJ and the RivetBangers crew. All of the VAF people I ran in to--It made for a fantastic week. I hate to admit it, but I was thrilled when Doug remembered my name. It's amazing how special people can make you feel special too. I hope to catch up with more of you next year. Below are some favorite photos. The rest can be seen here:

Shortly after Arrival on Saturday evening:

Sometimes things just work out. This is pretty much how I feel about my plane:


The TriMotor

This was so pretty it was hard to breath while watching. Nice Job!:

The AeroShell team is my favorite air show act.

White Knight II at night:

Mer caught this on the way out:
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Excellent pictures; anyone could be the August wallpaper for VAF.
I took very few pictures this year as there always seems to be plenty of good ones others have taken.
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