
Well Known Member
To our fly-in guests on VAF:

Port Aransas is closing our Mustang Beach Airport (KRAS) for one month, starting at 6 AM on Tuesday, September 2nd. For most of us, this means we must have our planes off the island Monday night.

We will be moving our hotel's courtesy car to T.P McCampbell Airport (KTFP), located just 9 n.m. across the bay on the mainland, for the duration. Fly-in guests will have access to our car BY RESERVATION only. Because of the distances involved, we will be unable to serve more than one pilot guest per night. This means that only one pilot guest will be able to use the car at a time.

We apologize for this inconvenience. :(
What are they doing during the closure?

Inexplicably, they are installing a fence (that we sort of need) and new replacement runway lights (that we don't need at all).

Meanwhile, the hangars and ramp repairs that we are all clamoring for remain on the wish list. :(

No one knows (a) why we're getting new runway lights, or (b) why the airport must close to install them... Rumors abound, but it's certainly not because anyone local requested them.

The good news? They were going to do all this in JULY, until we all raised holy **** about it. Can you imagine? That's almost as dumb as repaving the main street in Port A over Memorial Day weekend! (They did that, too, back in '10...)

Port A government has "interesting" ways of doing things...