
Well Known Member
Yup, that's their real name (https://www.nssl.noaa.gov/education/svrwx101/thunderstorms/types/), and they're common in coastal Georgia.

Popcorn thunderstorms are single cell thunderstorms and, at least around here, one of their characteristics is that they change shape constantly. That big red core headed for you might fade to nothingness, or that green area might take its vitamins and grow up to be big and strong.

Interesting adventure yesterday, with *no* thunderstorms in the forecast: heard thunder in the distance, and the cell phone showed a frisky cell maybe 15 miles south and moving away. Hey, temperatures are tolerable, let's get a walk in this afternoon.

About 20 minutes from home, I was hearing thunder from a different direction and the cell phone app gave warning of moderate rain possible in five minutes. Looked at the radar and yikes! where did that cell come from? 20 minutes ago, it wasn't there at all and now it's showing a red core.

My take on all this is that fat fuel reserves are a really good idea in the summer, at least around here.
Came past there, yesterday

Ed, on my way back from WV, yesterday, via KAIK, --- I painted quite a bit of "popcorn" cells. I had to do Mach 0.8 to beat one into Cleawater.

Ed, on my way back from WV, yesterday, via KAIK, --- I painted quite a bit of "popcorn" cells. I had to do Mach 0.8 to beat one into Cleawater.


Wow! I didn't know an RV-6A could go that fast..

My Cessna 175 could, however, go 250 knots. Took two flights...