
Active Member
Airleron Bracket attach to rear spar
I drilled out a AD4-7 rivet and it now requires a 5/32 rivet (AD5)
Van's said ok to use AD5 or Pop rivet of equal strength. They gave no other suggestions. I looked at the rivet information in AirCraft Spruce catalogue.

2117 AD4 has shear strength of 26,000 psi and Tensile Strength of 38,000 psi
1/8 inch rivet area is 1/83 of a square inch, therefore shear streangth is 313 lbs and tensile is 457 psi.
This is equal to a 1/8 inch MS40 series Cherry pop (650 shear/525 tensile monel rivet with steel mandrel)
or a Cherry 5/32 BS19 series (525 shear/ 450 tensile aluminum rivet with steel mandrel)
I did not get any information on Cherrymax. I have pulled these with my
pneumatic pop rivet unit without any attachments. Any suggestions at to which of the above rivets are acceptable? Would prefer to Pop rivet than use gun to replace this one rivet

I don't have an ACS catalog in front of me, but you want a Cherrymax structural rivet that is equal to the strength of the AD5. The monel Cherry pop rivets with steel mandrels will probably be ok, Cherry stainless would probably be even better, but for something like an aileron bracket go stronger and use the Cherrymax. You'll sleep easier knowing that there's a little overkill for an extra buck or two.
I always use the CherryMax just so there is no doubt the substitution is OK. They are rather expensive. That just serves as a reminder not to mess up in the first place :D . Here is the website location for AS:

CherryMax rivets at AS