
Well Known Member
I just finished installing a Apollo GX60 Nav/Com. I can transmit very clearly, but the reception is quite poor. You can hear something being transmitted, but the volume is low and quality sounds like it's in a long long tunnel.

Also... taking turn off squelch sounds funny, it doesn't sound like white noise, it sounds very "dull" (not bright) and subdued.

I haven't re-checked the d-sub connector, but I will tomorrow. I have checked the external wiring to the intercom. It looks fine, and the shielding is grounded. Again... transmit is quite clear.

Any idea what to do next?

If you can get to it, try a temporary connection directly to pin 6 of the 15 pin connector and tie it to a speaker (4 or 8 ohms). The other speaker terminal should go to the audio ground.

This will bypass your intercom system as an audio output test.

Also check for an accidental ground on pin 12, this will switch on the GX 60 internal intercom system.
Try what Gil said.

I have a GX60 and SL30. The SL30 was receiving signals after several years of use and had extremely poor quality on the receive. It worked fine for several years before. To me, it sounded like it was off frequency. I had to return it to Garmin AT and they did get it fixed. They actually called me a few times before they finally found the issue.

I am only passing this on as I believe the SL30 and GX60/GX65 have the same communication transceiver all designed about the same time by the same company before Garmin purchased them.

Also... I adjusted the Comm headset configuration and that would make it louder and quieter, but didn't actually fix the quality.

I don't suspect the intercom as it works fine with the old radio. I'll check pin 12 though, thanks! If that doesn't work, Garmin is down the road, I'll drop it off and see what happens. Oh and, I played with the comm configs.

I wonder if the receiver circuit has a different frequency tuner than transmit? As transmit works fine. If so, yeah, that sounds exactly right. It's like a radio station just a bit off freq.

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