Moving map

Yuk yuk yuk. You side by side guys with all your panel space... quit showing off!
Gee, your map seems to have a lot of green on it, what's that all about???

Jeff in Colorado (brown country)
FYI - The "receiver" part of that GPS cost me all of $1.00 and I found it at Wal-Mart. The best part about it is there is no monthly Sat fee associated with it.

As for the "mold", it can't be I have a dehumidifier running in my basement aircraft factory. However, if you look closely at that sectional, there is some ocean in the lower right hand corner. You do know what an ocean is don't you? ;)
One EFIS is for a left bank and the other is for a right bank. Don't know what he's going to do about straight-and-level.
cant beat the resolution

N941WR said:
Check out my new moving map.

It moves with me anywhere the plane goes. :D
And it's got really great resolution --what is that 2500 dots per inch? That's blow even the vaunted Chelton resolution away! :D
Davepar said:
One EFIS is for a left bank and the other is for a right bank. Don't know what he's going to do about straight-and-level.
Darn that Dynon quality control! ;)

Those Dynon "displays" are just paper cutouts. The EMS D10 is installed but all I have installed in the left side is the D100 tray for now. The tray, remote compass, and wiring harness were purchased a few months back. The D100 w/ battery backup will be ordered when I'm about ready to fly. With luck the price will come down by then. (I was wondering how long it would be until someone pointed that out.)

From my web site:
The instrument panel was painted with three coats of Pewter Rust-Oleum Textured, Fine Textured Finish (yes, it is spray paint) found in the aviation section of my local Home Depot. The panel was wet sanded with 600 grit wet/dry sand paper between coats and baked in the oven for two hours at 200 degrees F.
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N941WR said:
FYI - The "receiver" part of that GPS cost me all of $1.00 and I found it at Wal-Mart. The best part about it is there is no monthly Sat fee associated with it.

As for the "mold", it can't be I have a dehumidifier running in my basement aircraft factory. However, if you look closely at that sectional, there is some ocean in the lower right hand corner. You do know what an ocean is don't you? ;)

Hmmmm... my moving map must be installed backwards. Mine shows the ocean in the lower left hand corner. I'll have to call the manufacturor.