
Well Known Member
I’m wanting to see if anyone has feedback on the product Polygone that Vans sells for stripping tank sealant? I recently decided to add a flop tube in one tank for inverted flight.

Another question is it looks like the float style fuel level sender will need to be changed due to interfering with the flop tube?

Thanks all
I thought it was ok

Been a couple years but remember it worked and I was pleased with it. I used it like paint stripper a little at a time and scraped with plastic tool.
The question I have about these polysulfide removers (might as well start the thread drift) is how you deal with the (presumably) degraded proseal that is trapped under ribs, rivets and the like?

Is there an appropriate clean-up procedure that keeps residual polygone from damaging the new proseal you apply?
Polygone works, but slooowly. It is best for removing thin layers or residue. A phenolic scraper (Yardstore) or plastic scrapers work best to remove the bulk. You can also clean-up and remove proseal with MEK, but not sure how you would keep either it or polygone from removing too much . . . :eek:
Thanks for the link David. It looks like the only thing that’s going to be really tough is getting the sending unit into that second bay through that next to the inboard tank rib. I guess the best way to do it is to cut a large hole in the aft tank baffle and then order the tank access plate T-708 to move the fuel sender unit to that location.

Would any of you acro guys/gals mind weighing in on just using a single flop tube. I plan on using the left tank for the flop tube, and leaving the right tank as is with the standard pick up. Burn off the right tank to the practice area (15 min) and 20 min or so of acro using the left tank. Thanks all.
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Polygone gel worked well for me. I had to take the access off to install an anti rotation bracket. Van’s does not spec one for the flop tube but I highly recommend you install one!
Brush on the poly-gone and let it sit a while. It will soften the pro-seal. Hit it with a stiff nylon brush, then wipe it down with a paper towel and acetone. Scraping with a plastic putty knife will lift most thick sections. The poly-gone will not migrate under fayed surfaces, so it won't soften where it can't touch.