Would you rather pick up the '07 Avery Tools catalog on CD or paper at SnF?

  • CD

    Votes: 60 40.8%
  • Paper

    Votes: 87 59.2%

  • Total voters


doug reeves: unfluencer
Staff member
...sent in by Bob Avery
"Judy & I are working on a new 2007 / 2008 catalog. In an effort to save a few trees and provide our catalog in the most useful format to our customers, we are considering making the catalog available as a CD along with fewer copies of the (traditional) printed paper catalog. We would probably do the CD first, followed by the printed catalog a few months afterward. We are wondering how this would be received in the RV community. Would most builders prefer a CD instead of the printed catalog (or visa-versa)? Would you consider a little ?straw poll? on the web site to see what the builders think?
If it would help, we could offer a couple of gift certificates (say two $25.00 certificates) to be given randomly to those that participate."
Bob & Judy Avery"

[ed. The poll is while at SnF, if you only could only get one catalog, would you rather it be on CD or in paper?]
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I would say both for a few years. There are alot of people who don't have access to a computer that cannot vote.

A responsive web site is the best way, IMHO.
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A CD is certainly easier to pick up and carry at either SnF or Airventure. I'm sure it's quite a bit cheaper to mail as well.

There are a few situations where a hard copy would be better, but I would probably use the CD more.
Paper for me

I use a computer extensively as a reference source. But sometimes I like to sit on my couch and leaf through a magazine or catalog.

If the catalog is going to be electronic, put it online so it can be used from anywhere.

If I'm at a computer, it is generally on line - so why would I want to mess around with a CD? I use catalogs for reference and relaxed browsing - when I want to shop, I generally just go on line.

I prefer paper. I can watch TV or talk with the wife while I go thru it. I can also make notes in the margins and circle things I really want. Kind of difficult doing that on a CD.

I wish just to receive link where to get the catalog... It has to be in the format that allows search to be used, high quality color pictures are plus and if you wish, it should be printable too (layout so that prints will be like it would be delivered as paper catalog).
Save a plastic tree....

Save a plastic tree as well... :)

A well designed on-line web site with good search capability is best.

If it also contains technical information, make that with a PDF option, and I'll print just what I need....

gil in Tucson

Both have their advantages/disadvantages. I too like browsing through a paper catalog; after a long session it doesn't seem to bother the eyes as much as a screen. But the CD, I think, would hold up a little longer. As long as I don't have to "press 1 for english" I'll take either.
O.K., to answer the question as it is asked---------------"pick up at Sun & Fun"

Well, I wont have a computer with me as I wander around the fly in. Nor will I have one back at the tent or motel.

So, if I am going to get any use out of the thing, at least for the week of the fly in, it must be paper.

Back at home, a paper catalog out in the hanger, and an on-line "catalog" when I am on the comp.


i tend to find the extra stuff i need just leafing through the book. many times i have seen it and forgot i needed it untill then. book is better for me.
My experience

I have done both with our business.

I get my reference books printed 10,000 or more each run.

While visiting customers all over the country they frequently show me their library, in which they have kept all my versions of the ref book (on paper), going back up to 13 years!

The CD is good for the office bound engineer type. Or the person that is highly portable and always on the go. The guys that run drills and rivet guns want to pull out a book from there toolbox or mag rack and throw it up on the wing or the desk.

I have handed out thousands of CD's at trade shows.
I have yet to meet a person in the field that has said, yes I am still using your CD. I have had a few that have called me and told me they still use the CD's, but haven't seen it out in the field,

The book is hard to loose, the Cd slides easily into the drawer of doom.

Your market and goals may be different than mine, this has been my experience over a period of years.
A number of purchases I have made from you have been for things I didn't know existed. Snap Socs are one example. Browsing a catalog is the most common way I find "new" (read discretionary) tools to buy. Not sure that a CD would help. Perhaps you could do both and just send people whatever they prefer? Regardless, thanks for your great products and service.
CD or Paper

I go with the CD version. Most of the time, however, I'm going to go to the website to look up / purchase.

Fred Williams
40515 rv 10
Cannot browse a CD

I will side with the paper catalog myself.

I work in the computer world so I do fully understand the advantages to you for putting your catalog on a CD. There is some advantage for the user also in having a searchable database of items in an electronic version but the advantage is really only realized if the person knows the part number or some other unique identifier for the specific item. However, as most have mentioned, if I am on a computer I have access to the internet. So, having access to a web site where I can search for specific items is much more valuable to me than a static CD.

One of the primary things I appreciate about a paper catalog has been mentioned here by others. The ability to browse through the pages and see the various items and information without having to know a part #, part name, page #, description or any other field used by search engines to find that one specific item is of great value to me. Many times I know what I am looking for only by what it looks like and not what it is called or its part #. With the paper catalog I can just thumb through the pages until I see what I am looking for. You can't do that with an electronic database of items on a CD (or web site).

I pick up a new Avery's paper catalogue every year at Oshkosh (as well as a tool or two) - it's part of my Oshkosh routine! It goes into my pile of things to read in the campground, and on the way home.
RV-6A in progress
Ottawa, Canada
Put it on one of those little business-card-sized CDs like this one:

Post it notes?

Post it notes may be old fashioned, but they sure are functional.

Try putting a post it note on a CD.

Now try putting one on a page of interest, as a reminder or simple bookmark.

I know that if you copy the PDF files to your computer, and the creator of the original file allowed editing rights, you could bookmark that page, assuming you have more than the Reader version.

Keep It Sumpthin Simple. :rolleyes:

Bob, by looking at your Poll, you should do both, It would be interesting to ask people placing orders in the year to come which one they use.
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If I have access to a computer, I generally have access to the internet. If I want to take it with me, I'll download the PDF. CD's would be a waste of money, in my opinion.

The CD is the worst of both worlds:

1) Doesn't have the touchy-feeliness and easy browsing of a catalog
2) ...yet, will be just as out of date as a catalog.

Best is to have a decent catalog and a professionally done and responsive web site.

Just my opinion, of course :)

Definitely paper. If I want an electronic version I'll grab the latest version off the web.

My first post! Woohoo!!!
I make my living with computers also but would vote for paper and a good up to date website that is easily navigated. Make sure the website has a wish list feature also so I can mark stuff there.

I usually browse through the paper catalog and then buy off the net.
Ironflight said:
If I'm at a computer, it is generally on line - so why would I want to mess around with a CD? I use catalogs for reference and relaxed browsing - when I want to shop, I generally just go on line.
My sentiments exactly. I would never use a CD. A paper catalog is useful for those more contemplative moments in the morning, if you catch my drift ;)

I tried to get catalogue from Aircraft Spruce, Avery , Cleveland and others in 2006. As I live in Australia the only one I got was from Aircraft Spruce.
A paper catalogue is 200% better than a CD or downloadable catalogue. I have found and bought a lot of things from the paper Aircrft Spruce catalogue that I did not know existed until I slowly, with great enjoyment, flicked through the pages - this is not something that I would do with a CD. I find the Avery downloaded catalogue a pain to use and rarely consult it - no index or front section list and in four separate segments. Annoying and off-puting. have not bought anything from Bob Avery and would like to as I hear he is a very decent proprietor.
I would love to get an Avery paper catalogue sent to me here but they and others (eg Cleveland,etc) apparently wont send them outside North America. es I know the postage but even if it was sent surface mail with an explanation of the economics I would appreciate it. I have bought enough from Aircraft Spruce to repay the postage many times over.
The Web page is the way to go while sending paper when requested. Let's not pass along the waste management issue to our kids.
Hi John, Private message sent

rjtjrt said:
I tried to get catalogue from Aircraft Spruce, Avery , Cleveland and others in 2006. As I live in Australia the only one I got was from Aircraft Spruce.
A paper catalogue is 200% better than a CD or downloadable catalogue. I have found and bought a lot of things from the paper Aircrft Spruce catalogue that I did not know existed until I slowly, with great enjoyment, flicked through the pages - this is not something that I would do with a CD. I find the Avery downloaded catalogue a pain to use and rarely consult it - no index or front section list and in four separate segments. Annoying and off-puting. have not bought anything from Bob Avery and would like to as I hear he is a very decent proprietor.
I would love to get an Avery paper catalogue sent to me here but they and others (eg Cleveland,etc) apparently wont send them outside North America. es I know the postage but even if it was sent surface mail with an explanation of the economics I would appreciate it. I have bought enough from Aircraft Spruce to repay the postage many times over.
some ideas

I am the environmental type. My home and business are practically paperless. However at the last few airshows I have bought several hundred dollars worth of tools. (I deal with Bill at the Avery booth. He is awesome and very knowledgeable). I would not have bought the tools if there was no paper catalog there. So you will absolutely need a paper catalog at the airshows.
Most times when I call in an order it comes with a paper catalog. That I feel is a waste. The order taker should ask if the buyer want one and if they want paper or cd.
From an environmental perspective, as much as you don't want to cut down trees, paper is recyclable and bio degradable while a CD will site in a landfill for about 100 years. From a cost perspective CD might be cheaper.

Now to web access. Searching through website is sometimes not easy and most times you are missing pictures. Plus the browsing is not as much fun on a pdf as it is with a paper catalog. Recently I was on a motorcycle gear site and they had a very interesting technology. I clicked on a view catalog link and there opened up another webpage that looked like an open magazine in full color. Each click towards the right page would take you to the next one while a click on the left would take you to the previous page. There were tabs to go to different sections and since it downloaded the response time was instantaneous. No delay while each page flipped. It was very cool. I see that technology eventually replacing pdf's.

I feel you should have a few catalogs for airshows, your counter for walk in clients and whoever requests one. A mini cd catalog to hand out at airshows and for people that request one. And you need to put a lot of effort into your website and make it very functional. Very downloadable, browsable etc.
Paper please!

I prefer paper no doubt!
It's much easier to flip pages and get the overwiew on a sheet of paper than on a computer screen, and most important: while reading, I make notes in the catalog...

Regards Alf Olav Frog / Norway
I have just received a reply from Ken Avery offering me a current catalogue and also the 2007 one when it is out.
He does send worldwide and my problem was a one off and I beleive I was unfair to Avery Tools.
Amazing and laudable ethics in todays world. His reputation for helpfullness is justly deserved
I prefer paper. If I get it on a CD or download PDF from a website, I generally print it out anyway. Like several people have mentioned, when I have access to a computer it is online most of the time and I can download catalogs when they are available. I guess I like sitting on the flightline at Oshkosh thumbing through catalogs and dreaming.

Definately paper. Believe it or not there are those who don't like to get on the computer and try to find the stuff.....my Dad is one of those and he's bought every aircraft tool he owns from Avery, and he had them all picked out from the catalog :cool:
rockit said:
Now to web access. Searching through website is sometimes not easy and most times you are missing pictures. .

Please go check out the first section on the website "Riveting Dimpling Tools"

I am going through section by section trying to clean it all up, fixing categories and subcategories, updating photos or inserting photos where none existed.... at times like this I wish we didnt carry so many items, only a few weeks of work to go...
rjtjrt said:
I have just received a reply from Ken Avery offering me a current catalogue and also the 2007 one when it is out.
He does send worldwide and my problem was a one off and I beleive I was unfair to Avery Tools.
Amazing and laudable ethics in todays world. His reputation for helpfullness is justly deserved
No biggie ... thanks to Doug Reeves we have a place to meet! :D
When you get them in.

When you get them in please send my Dad a paper catalog, he is building a Skyote and he will probably be needing some tools that I don't stock.

I will PM you his contact info.

Thanks, Tom