I own a D100 or D180 EFIS and ...

  • I need the vertical autopilot coupling for flying IFR approaches

    Votes: 21 41.2%
  • I would like this feature for future panel upgrade

    Votes: 12 23.5%
  • I fly VFR only and have no need for this feature

    Votes: 18 35.3%

  • Total voters
Dynon had promised to implement a fully coupled approach solution for their D100 and D180 legacy EFIS systems a while back when those systems were the flagship product of the company. At the time, Dynon had limited resources as they were developing and refining the Skyview. Dynon's plan was to develop autopilot system (fully couple approaches etc) in the emerging Skyview system, and then port that work back to the D100/180.

After being repeatedly asked about their autopilot plans for the legacy product, Dynon finally replied with
... That said, do I ever expect us to take the project out of hibernation at this point? I don't. I (personal estimation here) give it a sub 10% chance of it actually happening at this point.So I wouldn't characterize it as a "definite maybe", but more of a "not completely impossible" (but not much above that).​

Am curious as to how many D100/180 owners were waiting/expecting the vertical guidance feature to be implemented when they bought/installed their systems. I would guess that this feature would not matter much to a large segment of the the legacy product fleet, however for me it is a large disappointment.

I realize that Dynon has made a business decision, however ....
Maybe if the poll results are significant, there may be an incentive (goodwill) for Dynon to complete the legacy autopilot development (really, porting of already developed code).
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Need is a strong word

I bought my 1st Gen Dynon boxes the year they announced Sky View. Based on what they said I did not change to Sky View thinking I would be fine.

Your first poll question uses the word need, which is no true. I get by by flying the vertical path of the approach by hand, it would be nice a reduce work loads a bit to have the vertical path but I don't need it, I would like it.

I too this past year have finally had folks from Dynon say that there is a a slim to non chance that vertical path capabilities will ever come to the first generation users.

I think I will just plan and upgrade to my panel, sad but Dynon will loose customer to Garmin when they have to make this upgrade. I think I will stay with Dynon myself as the conversion would be a little easier. I understand it is business but they really did kind of milk the first generation folks along for too long. Even now they need to officially say they will not be making further improvements to 1 gen equipment.

Your first poll question uses the word need, which is no true. I get by by flying the vertical path of the approach by hand, it would be nice a reduce work loads a bit to have the vertical path but I don't need it, I would like it.

You are right, "need" should really be a "want". Did not mean to imply that the vertical coupling was to be used as a crutch.
having flown the skyview, i would suggest you just bite the bullet and upgrade to that

no sense in waiting around watching paint dry, it's a very attractively priced system and has all the features you want and then some, they are also releasing new patches VERY regularly
i would suggest you just bite the bullet and upgrade

Glad you are enjoying your Skyview. I can appreciate the spirit of your recommendation, but I am not about to throw the baby out with the bathwater on this one. I would assume that with the large installed base of D1xx units, most owners would agree with me.
My 430W drives the autopilot and the Dynon 120 with its HSI screen shows both lateral and vertical information but don't have the autopilot function. The Trutrak Vizion does that...where's the problem?

You have a Trutrak autopilot.....

The Trutrak Vizion does that...where's the problem?

The problem occurs only if you have the Dynon servos. The Dynon autopilot does not provide vertical guidance control information to the Dynon servos (other than simple climb or descend). In your case, you went Trutrak's autopilot which interprets the track and glideslope error and sends it to the Trutrak servos.

Basically, Dynon partially developed the autopilot on the D100, and then put things on hold. They had a new market to pursue with the Skyview, and the promise was that the improvements in the Skyview autopilot would be ported back to the D100 series. As the D100 family gets older, the incentive for Dynon to follow through is diminishing every day. It would seem that our patience in this matter is our own demise.