How many states have you landed your RV in?

  • 0-10

    Votes: 46 43.4%
  • 11-20

    Votes: 37 34.9%
  • 21-30

    Votes: 12 11.3%
  • 31-40

    Votes: 6 5.7%
  • 41-49

    Votes: 5 4.7%
  • All 50

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Well Known Member
In our never ending quest to land in all 49 states, I was curious how many states other RVers had landed in. We've managed to add five more during the last round of work related flying, bringing our total up to 35. See our map,-95.888672&spn=38.570784,78.75&z=4

There are only two qualifiers for the poll:

1. Has to be an RV
2. You must have been PIC

Also note that I have 50 listed as it is possible, I suppose, that someone may have landed an RV in Hawaii and the remaining 49 states. There are RVs over there, would be interesting to know just how many.
How Many?

Thirteen so far. Been over water at Cape Hatteras, North Carolina and Morro Bay, California.
How many states??

I answered 0-10 because I have landed in New York, Vermont, and Maine, but I also have landed in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Quebec and Ontario....
Wow, it surprised me a little - 23 so far unless I've missed any. And, none in the NE where one could knock off quite a few in a day. Need to head up there one of these falls...

Thanks, it was fun reminiscing about the last 7 delightful years!

I thought we were doing good at 9...mind you things are spread out on the West coast

Three different states in 3.6 hrs of flight time.......just today.

Not a lot, but the RV is sure a great way to get around fast! :D

L.Adamson --- RV6A
Only 2

I've landed my RV-8 while in two states:

1) A state of daydreaming
2) A state of deep sleep REM dreaming

i just looked at the results.. (since i can't vote), and it says 3 people voted that they had been to 41-49!!

speak up!! and tell us which ones!!
There are a few...

The only person I know for sure that has made all 49 is Rosie. Looks like landing in all 50 would be a title to hold. I think that just getting over there and landing someone elses RV should count :D

That will have to be my next goal :cool:
An interesting poll. I'm up to about 31 and I don't think it would be too difficult to make the rest. I'm amazed at how many states I have flown OVER; just didn't need to stop for fuel. Silly records are nothing new to me. I did land at all 109 public use airports in North Carolina in one day, and all 68 in South Carolina as well. Some people get off on eating contests... I haven't got the stomach for it! ;)

And counting..
I can't believe how easy it's been to travel in this little ship..
The smile's still there.
Thanks for triggering my OCD

I have only landed in 21 states in our RV-6A to date and I never thought about it ... now I can't stop thinking about it.

Bob Axsom
46 states, 4 to go!

i just looked at the results.. (since i can't vote), and it says 3 people voted that they had been to 41-49!!

speak up!! and tell us which ones!!

Im one.
Missing Delaware, RI, Alaska, Haw.
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You guys are lightweights on dysfunctional quests

I am trying to get the northernmost, southernmost, easternmost and westernmost airports in the lower 48 USA.

I have Piney Pinecreek, 48Y and Key West (KEYW).

I believe that the westernmost is in Washington state UIL), easternmost in Maine (EPM).
20 States

Twenty states to date. Flew over Kansas but did not stop. We routinely fly on one trip SC, GA, NC, TN, KY, IN, IL,WI, and finally stop in MN.

I am trying to get the northernmost, southernmost, easternmost and westernmost airports in the lower 48 USA.

I have Piney Pinecreek, 48Y and Key West (KEYW).

I believe that the westernmost is in Washington state UIL), easternmost in Maine (EPM).

You will need to go north and west of Washington. Try Adak, Alaska. I don't know if they will let you land there (military). If not then then next most western is at Unalaska, Alaska.

The only person I know for sure that has made all 49 is Rosie. Looks like landing in all 50 would be a title to hold. I think that just getting over there and landing someone elses RV should count :D

That will have to be my next goal :cool:
Tuppergal and I have indeed visited and landed in 49 states, a life-long dream come true :) You can read about these trips flying the USA (and to 5 foreign countries) on our travel story page. :D Rosie

PS: I know that Laird Owens flew first-flight in an RV in Hawaii!

A quick count looks like I have landed in 30 states and the Bahamas mostly central,west, and south. Based in Fort Worth, Texas.

If I could count other airplanes I could get most all 49. I flew a Super Cub in Alaska a while back. Had my Bonanza all over new England and the eastern Caribbean, Bahamas, Turks and Cacos, USVI,
BVI (started flying there) St Martin, St Barth, Barbados,to Trinidad in another life /job...

I need Kentucky, Tenn and the ones east and north. Missed North Dakota in fly over country,for the RV pole.

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None, ............

but in the last 3 years I've managed a fair few countries:
England, Scotland, Wales, Channel Islands, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Sweden.

Still plenty more to go at in my little continent shrinker.
I am trying to get the northernmost, southernmost, easternmost and westernmost airports in the lower 48 USA.

I have Piney Pinecreek, 48Y and Key West (KEYW).

I believe that the westernmost is in Washington state UIL), easternmost in Maine (EPM).

KUIL "Quillayute", in Washington is the western most in the lower 48.
At 124-33-45.4810W, it just barely edges out 5S6 "Cape Blanco State" in Oregon at 124-31-03.3900W.
I have been to Cap Blanco before.

KUIL "Quillayute", in Washington is the western most in the lower 48.
At 124-33-45.4810W, it just barely edges out 5S6 "Cape Blanco State" in Oregon at 124-31-03.3900W.

I didn't think about it being so far West.

Now I need to take a trip to Quillayute.

I Have a Dream

How cool would this be?! I?m gonna add my 50th state landing in the 50th state of the Union (Hawaii) on my 50th birthday. :D I have two years and six days to complete this mission. Considering the distance to Hawaii, landing someone else?s RV on one of the islands will have to count. If Laird has made all 50 states, then I think we should pitch in and buy him a plaque or something. Double kudos to Laird for doing an RV first flight/landing in Hawaii. :cool:

I had never thought about landing in the ?four corners? so to say, but now it is EATING MY BRAIN! We already have the highest and the lowest in the contiguous US so might as well get some other notable records. We should have Key West this spring so that only leaves three. I read Ron Schrecks story about landing at all the airports in one state in a day so now it looks like I?m gonna have to pick a state and do that too! So many records to obtain ?

Also I think we should start an elite ?49er?s? Club for those who have made them in their RVs. I nominate Rosie as president since he was probably the first to achieve this distinction anyway. :rolleyes:
Larry and Gerri have landed the 6 in all 49 plus some out of country. Last long trip was 30 days 40 hours of flight and 40 landings.
Plan on doing the same in our 7. Larry
Hawaii Landings

If Laird has made all 50 states, then I think we should pitch in and buy him a plaque or something. Double kudos to Laird for doing an RV first flight/landing in Hawaii. :cool:

Thanks Scott, but I haven't done all 50 yet. I probably have 30 or so (most of them with Rosie). Have missed many in the NE.

Rosie almost got it right. My friend from Japan (who built his RV in Hawaii while commuting from Japan on the tube) asked me to do some of the test time in his RV-7. He hired Dave Morse to do the first flight. I got the next 7 before I had to get back to the mainland. Nice RV too! First time I'd flown behind two Cheltons as well.

So with the flights to Turks/Caicos, Bahamas, and Hawaii, I may be up there in distance flown between places.....I sure Jon Johanson (sp?) has everyone beat there!

SoCal RV6
34 states so far

34 states, 610 hrs, 1200+ landings, 5 to OSH, 4 to LOE, 1 to SNF, 2 foreign countries.
When a freind or relative asks "where have you been?", it's fun to rattle off stats and landmarks, oh like, Grand Canyon, Statue of Liberty and Ground Zero, Niagra Falls, Mackanac Island, Golden Gate Bridge, Mt St Helens, Crater Lake, Monument Valley, Hoover Dam, Bahamas, Rocky Mtns, Smokie Mtns, etc, etc. All in Moody Blue.
And this just a few of the places we've seen, not to mention all the great people we've met.
Traveling by RV is almost unbelievable.
You guys are awesome!!

Only 7 in the first year of RV flyin'. Boy do I have some catchin' up to do!!

It does include flying it over both the Atlantic and Pacific, but in this poll, as they say, that and a quarter will get me...:)

A little over 350 airports in 45 states in all my flying, but, hey that's cheatin'! ;)

Hmmmm, now to figure out a way to pay for all the gas it's gonna take..."but honey, it really is important!" (Think it'll work?)
