Fuel Tank Flop Tube Installation

  • Yes: Installed or will install a flop tube

    Votes: 19 42.2%
  • No: I did not or will not install a flop tube

    Votes: 26 57.8%

  • Total voters


Well Known Member

I wanted to find out how many builders are installing Flop Tubes in their tanks.

Please take the poll
1900 HRS

In 1900 + hours flying RVs I have not needed to go negitive. I used carbs on all of my RVs. 2 RV6s and 2 RV8s. No flop tube needed.
Boy, am I having fun!
I have flops on both side and use them a lot. But then I have all the other inverted systems as well, oil, acro prop, ratcheting harnesses etc.

I thought about it, and ordered them too, then re-considered. They are quite a bit heavier, and if they really get flopping around, what are they flopping against? The installation seemed more difficult, drilling thru the reinforcing plate at the nose of the inner rib instead of installing via the inspection plate. Finally I remembered that when flying in the USAF, when negative G's were available whenever I wanted them, I NEVER wanted to do it! So now I'll be content with my gentlemanly positive G acro, secure in the knowledge that my fuel pickups are fixed and tucked firmly into the deepest part of the tanks.
Clay Cook
tanks, tanks alot