I'm not polling IF I should install a speaker (I know most people don't) but IF you were to install a speaker WHERE would you like it?

My thoughts are:
1) Under the subpanel
2) rear baggage bulkhead
3) in the rollover structure

I am solo on this build so looking for other ideas. Any comments or speaker model selections are appreciated.

If you could find a speaker that fits nicely I would go for the rollover support behind your heads.
If you could find a speaker that fits nicely I would go for the rollover support behind your heads.

Mounting TO the roll-bar is one thing. But, be careful drilling much into it. It IS structural.

My speaker is facing down between the firewall and subpanel. I just picked up a car speaker removed from a car, from the stereo shop a buddy worked at. Always on, pretty much only good for before starting the engine.
I'd mount it in the support between rollover bar and aft fuselage: I mounted some lighting for the baggage area in this location:

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On my first plane, I mounted one in the sub panel facing back, was loud enough for it's intended use, for the maybe 5 times I used it in the 700hrs I put on that plane.

If you have to have the speaker, consider the strong magnetic field every speaker gives off and potential proximity to EFIS ADAHRS and magnetometers...
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I bought a 3.3" Visaton speaker (as recommended by the Garmin Team X guys) while wiring my RV-7 tipup panel. I played around a lot with various locations and considering the noise level in an RV, the only remotely usable location I could come up with was hanging down from the rollbar support brace under the rear canopy so it would be blasting in my ear.

Full disclosure, I elected to go without the speaker for a number of reasons so I have no in-flight experience to suggest how well this location would work so YMMV.


Didn't answer your poll because I didn't install one.

Not trying to be cute but I'm not sure why you would. Backup? Would you mount a hand mic as well?

I?ve had one mounted up above the rudder pedals pilot side.
Good for ATIS / clearances
Handy occasionally
Thanks for all the suggestions - including the wonderful comments about you not having a speaker. Great. :) it's my airplane.

Since I know there are a lot of lurkers on here (I am usually one of them) searching out different threads sometimes YEARS in the past on whatever current subject I am looking for some answers/ideas on, I'd like to say this as far as having a speaker goes:

Remember - opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one. :)

If you fly out of a tower controlled field fairly often, IMO you want a speaker. Why? On the ground, picking up an IFR clearance, writing down atis (yeah I have a great memory, just short, gotta write stuff down), loading a flight plan into the box**ALL WITH THE ENGINE OFF**. If the engine is off, I don't want to wear a headset but I want to hear what is going on with ground control. Hence a speaker.

One lesson POUNDED into any airline training program is heads down is dangerous. NEVER do we allow both pilots to be heads down doing sometime like described above with engines running. Single pilot on a ramp with a spinning propeller - you must be eyes outside at all times. Hence do all of this with engine off, enjoy the quiet, and take your time.

If you only fly VFR, grass or small strip, love the small quiet pancake breakfast runs on weekends - save the 8.8oz of weight and don't install a speaker. My '47 champ never had one either - man I loved that airplane.
kiss, the few times i needed a speaker in the cockpit i turned on the radio tuned in the the atis turned up the volume and behold a nice little voice called bose came to life, yes winds reported under 30, time to fly. ;)