
Well Known Member
Hi Folks,

I started polishing today and I'm thrilled with how it's starting to look. I have a million questions.

I'm polishing an RV-9A. Mostly I'm trying to clean up some scratches along the rivet lines and have an even finish. Not looking for mirror so just doing Brightwork Red and so far it's exactly what I need. I might do the next steps after I start flying in a few weeks, but for now just Brightwork Red.

Here are some questions:
  1. If we wipe down with naphta after polish we get black stuff coming up. Should we wipe down after polishing? Is that leftover polishing compound?
  2. After a first pass we still have some remaining scratches and overspray that have not come up, should we keep doing more passes till they are gone or change speed or amount of compound or pressure?
  3. Should we Scotchbrite out the larger scratches before polish? If so, which scotchbrite pad type?
  4. How often should we clean the wool buffing pad? How do I do that?
  5. What do I do with the wool pad at the end of the day?
  6. How fast should I have the polisher spinning? I started at 600 but it went much faster at 2000.
  7. How should we mask off areas like gas caps and plexiglass?
  8. How much should we overlap from area to area?
  9. Is there a technique to get buildup out of skin overlaps? Wipe with naphta?
  10. How often do we change/replace/clean the wool pad?
  11. We are getting some slight swirls/scratches after polishing, should I be doing something different?
I will try and answer some of the questions. I used Nuvite system to polish.
1. Naphtha or mineral spirits if you want between coats. Corn starch for final coat.
2. Sometimes you have to make up to 9 passes .
3. I would not. More scratches to remove.
4,5,10When they do not clean and are full. Soak in 5 gal bucket with TSP, then wash daily. I had 10 pads. Use spur to clean when necessary.
6. Put on at slowest speed. Take off at 2000. Don't put more than 2 sq ft on, it will dry out too quick.
7,8. Blue painters tape. 2 inch overlap is fine. Blend together.
9. #1 corn starch
11. Keep polishing till gone. #2

Hope it helps.
Use micro fiber cloth and corn starch after polishing.
Will pick up all the black in cracks etc..
Here are my experiences / thoughts. I also use Nuvite

Here are some questions:
  1. If we wipe down with naphta after polish we get black stuff coming up. Should we wipe down after polishing? Is that leftover polishing compound?

    I use a microfiber cloth without naphta and it seems to get most of it.
  2. After a first pass we still have some remaining scratches and overspray that have not come up, should we keep doing more passes till they are gone or change speed or amount of compound or pressure?

    You may need to use something a little more aggressive if the scratches are deep. Clecos can leave a nasty scratch. I have used 1000 and 1200 grit sandpaper to slowly and lightly work on a few scratches, then polish that area several times. You are removing material so keep the area sanded to just the scratch itself (as close as you can.) Try it an out of sight area like under the wing.
  3. Should we Scotchbrite out the larger scratches before polish? If so, which scotchbrite pad type?

    I wouldn't use Scotochbrite
  4. How often should we clean the wool buffing pad? How do I do that?

    As mentioned early use a spur to clean it periodically while in use. Then soak and wash as previously posted
  5. What do I do with the wool pad at the end of the day?
  6. How fast should I have the polisher spinning? I started at 600 but it went much faster at 2000.

    I keep my as slow as possible so I do not overheat the metal and polish.
  7. How should we mask off areas like gas caps and plexiglass?

    I have used painters tape on metal areas and vinyl tape on the canopy. The painters tape seems to leave adhesive on the canopy. So far the adhesive seems to come off with Plexius, but the vinyl tape does not seem to leave anything behind.
  8. How much should we overlap from area to area?

    I overlap by about three inches.
  9. Is there a technique to get buildup out of skin overlaps? Wipe with naphta?

    Cornstarch seems to be the most recommended method of removing the black buildup.
  10. How often do we change/replace/clean the wool pad?

    It will get black pretty quickly. I change mine when it starts to bog down, you can feel the increased friction.
  11. We are getting some slight swirls/scratches after polishing, should I be doing something different?

    I found the slight swirls and fine scratches went away with the Cyclo polisher.

    Hope that helps. Welcome to the polishing madness.