
Well Known Member
Polishing seems to be a lot like building an airplane, only cheaper and not only does it never gets done it's always getting less polished!
This was last year, F7 trying to shine up 9 years of building and several years of flying. Boot Cowl and front Fuse done, just starting on the fuel tanks.


I've really been surprised on how the rough polish has been holding up after a year. She's spent dozens of nights outside, flying in rain, tons of bugs wiped off the leading edges etc with just a wipe down of denatured alchohol/water/drop of soap and S polish and a micro fiber. Yes finger prints show right up but they also wipe right off with the bugs. I know the surface is dull and swirly since its been a year since a real polish, seems I'm the only one who notices.

I've since used the C polish and the wool buffer pads, but still have some burn/scorch marks from the initial F7 buff. I'm currently lightly buffing with the wool pads and C followed by the Cyclo and C compound as recommended by Radara (Nuvite Rep), it seems to be working well but I won't know till I pull it out in the sunlight. The initial buffing took hours for a couple square feet, the secondary takes hours for the entire top of the wing. As of tonight I have about 6.5 hours in the top of both wings and 1 side of the forward fuse done with the C and the wool pad and cyclo.


Pics show polish better than in person, but it looks pretty good from 3 feet. Deeper scratches are still there just not as noticeable, and you have to be closer than 3 feet. Sunlight will tell the truth in a couple days. For now It does both my lil' man and myself good to piddle in the hangar for a couple hours.


Results are dramatic and most never get within 3 feet.

There is just no in-between is there. Either leave it with years of oxidation and rubs, paint immediately, or polish to some level.

I was going to clean some and got my HS and aft fuse skin done before deciding that I needed to finish my condition inspection. Have to admit though any level of polishing makes it look a LOT better. I am using a 6" dual action auto polisher and a foam pad. Lots easier than doing it by hand. The 8" variable speed Makita awaits the wing project.

Looks great Andy! Bet it sure goes better with helpers!
Thanks Bill!

The sweat stains and tarnished aluminum didn?t bother me at all, I was going to paint it some day anyway. Then, kinda like your first RV ride a friend asked to polish just a small piece of my airplane. I pointed to the most scratched area of the fuel filler cap and leading edge, 30 minutes later I was amazed how the scratches disappeared and the shine appeared. I stared at that little polished square on my wing for a couple months before I got the nerve to purchase the goods and get to polishing. I?ve always said my metal work isn?t good enough to polish, after some reflection I?ve found my polishing skills and environment are better than my painting skills and environment.

Polishing hasn?t stopped me from flying yet, I do cringe a bit after I return to the airplane after an overnight but paint would also require a wipe down. I don?t miss the $$$ required for a paint job either, some day when I get the polish and fiberglass up to standards I?ll pay for a paint job to blend the fiberglass to the polished aluminum. Until then it?s a little at a time....
Try this on deeper scratches:
All the below with buffer
F9?2 passes
F7?2 - 6 passes
C?-1 pass
Cyclo with S and flannel

Clean with cornstarch and micro fiber cloth.

You will like results :D

Try this on deeper scratches:
All the below with buffer
F9?2 passes
F7?2 - 6 passes
C?-1 pass
Cyclo with S and flannel

Clean with cornstarch and micro fiber cloth.

You will like results :D


Boomer doesn't microfiber really leave a scratched surface? It is polyester material? I found some yellow 100% cotton polishing cloths made in India. Pretty cheap if bought by the bundle. They seem to be much better on the plexiglass than microfiber. Any experience with 100% cotton vs microfiber?

I have used the blue microfiber towels sold by PerfectPolish

If you really bare down on the towel they might make a mark, but used lightly I have not experienced any scratching. But they are a bit expensive.

I have a pretty good scratch on my fuselage from someone climbing up on the wing to look inside. Love those belt buckles. It will probably never to be gone, but Boomer's technique will make it less visible.

I have also used 2000 grit very lightly on the edges of the V of the scratch. Followed by several passes of Nuvite. So far that seems to help.