
Well Known Member
Howdy everyone. I am curious how to handle the line between highly polished aluminum and the painted area. What to do first; paint, then polish the adjacent aluminum, or polish the bare aluminum and then apply paint right up to it? Put another way; how do you polish the aluminum without ruining the painted line, or how do you prep the painted area without damaging the polished aluminum?
Paint should be applied over a moderately abraded surface (etch or conversion coatings can work on polished surfaces in some cases). It will not stick well to a polished surface. Also, be certain that your polishing compounds don't have silicone. If they do it must NOT be applied before painting or you will have major problems. In my experience, many auto products contain silicone, but do not list it on the label. Look for some statement that the product is approved for paint shop use. Most paint shops won't touch a product that they have not confirmed to be silicone free.

Shouldn't be that difficult to polish up to a painted line, though have no experience with that.

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Yes, that is basically what I am asking. I have no experience polishing aluminum knowing I also need to paint right up to it, so I am hoping to get some procedures.

In my mind, I could prep and paint first, then once cured, tape over the paint and polish the aluminum.
Thanks for the replies guys. It is nice to confirm I am on the right track mind-wise.

I'll get back on here when the time comes to talk surface prep for paint and polish, polish materials and tools, paint types, etc., etc.