
Well Known Member
Any suggestions on what products to use to polish and or wax the Rv12 that won't fill the rivet holes with gunk?
wax on wax off

Jerry Wax in the rivets is a good thing
You just have to stain it to the same colors as your plane

Any suggestions on what products to use to polish and or wax the Rv12 that won't fill the rivet holes with gunk?

Jerry, to answer your question..... it really depends on the type of paint you used. I personally used a Dupont urethane and my painter recommends that I only use a polish. My type of paint likes to 'breath' (according to him) and he really advised not to put wax on it. I use a McGuires polish and I'm very happy with it.
Hi Jerry,

I have used a product called "Collinite's No. 870 Fleetwax" on many different airplanes over several years. It is a liquid which cleans and polishes very nicely. Like any product, if used too aggressively it will eventully polish the paint off the top of raised-head rivets, so I apply it by hand only, usually once a year. In the summer, I redo just the leading edges frequently, as that makes bug removal very easy.

My painter told me that the paint is through "breathing" after a few months. I don't put anything on the paint for the first six months or so.

As to the residue in the rivet holes - I think that you will see some no matter what product you use. I guess that's a matter of personal preference - personally, seeing a little residue doesn't bother me, when I consider how much easier it is to keep the airplane clean and bug-free.

I'm sure there are other good alternatives, but this one works for me.

On the topic of cleaners, I use Plexus exclusively on the canopy and windows. It is expensive, but you don't use much. It dissolves the bugs and leaves the bubble crystal clear. I have had two incidents of 100LL blowback on the rear window with no damage (so far). I'm thinking the Plexus coating has some protective properties, but I can't prove it. Anecdotal evidence only!

Best, John