Lan Vinh Do

Well Known Member
The 4th of june we woke the kids in a hurry and we left our house right after the shooting for a safer place ( we were close tho the event) but never felt really safe in the city not knowing where the shooter really was. When my family was safe I went to work at the hospital as disaster mesures were activated. We were relieved this morning to learn that the moncton shooter had been arrested.

This joy turned into deep sadness when we learned that one of the 3 police officers killed in the moncton shooting was our friend Fabrice Gevaudan.
He was very proud of his work and was well beyond what we could expect from a simple officer. He really believed he could change the fate of the young kids he was dealing with in his everyday job. He was an excellent officer, but above all a great person.

In his last email, he told me he finally had everything he wanted. He had moved with his wife and the 10yo daughter of his wife and, ( he was newly married and had a stable job and had a new home). He was living the dream. Everything abruptly ended the 4th of june with absolutely no good reason.

Special thank you to all the other police officers who put their uniform to protect us knowing that by putting this uniform, they were targets for the shooter.

Special thoughts to Cst Cst Dave Joseph Ross and James Douglas Larche who also lost their lives in service at the same time and the 2 other wounded cops.

Lesson learned. Lastly I was always meeting Fabrice in the hospital. Him coming with people of car crash, stabing, etc as a cop and me as a surgeon. We were always talking about a BBQ that we should do with both family for the kids but always too busy to make it happen.
We should never be busy enough to take the time
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None of us know which day will be our last here on this Earth. We must try to live our lives accordingly.

A sad day...

Thanks for this, as a retired member, it has been a bad week. You never expect things like this to happen to co-workers. In my 35 years, the force only lost a few members to shootings, its happening much to often in the last ten years.

Joe Hine
My condolence to the family. I know how it feels to put on the uniform everyday and try to make a difference. Here in Central Florida we had to lay to rest two in about a month apart at the beginning of the year and it was not easy to do either. My thoughts and prayers are with the his comrades and family, I know what they are going through it will be a tough road ahead.
Was in Tasmania when the crazy bast****d came to kill. These events are so sad. So pointless and tragic. Wish we could cure it. Live each day with your family close. Hug them now.
So sorry to hear of your personal connection to this tragedy. You probably know this, but you had (and have) an entire nation behind your community at this incredibly difficult time. There are so many to think of; the fallen officers and their families, witnesses who saw officers ambushed and shot, and the whole community of Moncton that is undoubtedly traumatized by the events this week. You are all in our thoughts.
R.I.P. Fabrice

Lan & Joe

Lan: Thank you for posting this, we need to remember what these officers do for a living and the risks that they take on a daily basis so that we can live as secure a life as possible.

''Thanks for this, as a retired member, it has been a bad week. You never expect things like this to happen to co-workers. In my 35 years, the force only lost a few members to shootings, its happening much to often in the last ten years.''
Joe: I was in Florida when the news about the shooting came out and the first person I thought of was you, man my thoughts and prayers to you and to the families of the officers...

Such a sad day...


[email protected]
prayers for Las Vegas

I have special thoughts and prayers for the police officers of Las Vegas and their family that live the same story as here in moncton only 4 days later
police officer Igor Soldo
police officer Alyn Beck

thank You