
Active Member
Hello all,

I did not build my RV-4 (although I am enjoying the heck out of it :)).. It occurs to me that my aircraft did not come with a POH per se.

I perused the POH section of this site and see there are many examples but I am curious what the majority of RV guys do?
I took an example from this site, expanded it, ran my own flight tests, and submitted my POH to Doug to help others.

Your building manual will tell you how to perform the required flight tests.
There is no requirement to have a POH in an experimental (or pre-Part 23 certified for that matter). In fact there is no such thing as an FAA Approved Flight Manual for an EAB aircraft. On the other hand it is nice to be part of a huge pool of RV builders and owners who have come up with individual pilot's manuals we can reference and edit for our specific configuration.

The Operating Limitations and Special Airworthiness Certificate, combined, comprise the airworthiness of your EAB. They co-depend on each other with each part having no authority by itself without the other. That along with a current registration, weight and balance and any placards specified in the OLs make up the required items to be onboard the aircraft for it to be legally flown.

You can make up your own reference flight manual and checklists as you wish. And although that is a sensible thing to do it is not required.
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Transition Manual

I built the Normal and Emergency chapters of the transition training manual to serve as a basis for flight manual development. You can download a copy from the sticky at the top of the safety page. Work backwards from most recent post to grab the most current version or drop a PM with an email and I can send you a word version. Also happy to share my POH as well.

Doing any flight test to develop a manual or checklists is a great way to learn about the airplane. Each one is a bit different, so that?s about the only way to nail things down.

Enjoy the -4!


got a bit too into the POH

Here is what I did;
I found a fine example very similar to my own and began adding to it to make it my own, deleting text that was not pertinent. Plenty of flight testing, ground testing, and updates for avionics upgrades.

Currently about 347 pages!

I think I got too deep into this.

I do however, like the current product.
