Hi All, Getting close to the end can some one point me towards a POH for an 8 in word so that i can edit the info to fit my plane :)

I pulled your e-mail address off your repucci.com web site and sent you a couple of POH's I pulled from this site some time ago.

They're both very nice and should help a lot.:D

Thanks for sending them along. I'll forward them to Capt. Kirk as he is really the guy who needs them.
So, I've perused the various POHs on the site and they're very complete and professional. Kudos to the various authors!

However, as I consider writing my own (using someone else's as a template, naturally -- no sense reinventing the wheel, right?), it occurs to me that some of the data simply cannot be determined prior to first flight and therefore, prior to the DAR's inspection.

And that's a LOT of data! We're talking cruise speeds, service ceilings, stall speeds, etc. Each different for each plane, so using someone else's speeds and altitudes wouldn't be accurate.

What are we supposed to do? What have others done? Seems like a real Catch 22 to be expected to print a POH prior to first flight, when the data you need to write it can't be determined without flying the plane.
Not to worry Don - there is no requirement for a POH in these airplanes at all! Very good idea to have one, abut as you say, you can't know the numbers on an experimental before first flight. (Well, the truth is that there are so many RV's flying that within the accuracy of the instrumentation, the major numbers are all going to be pretty close, but it's nice to have the ones for your ACTUAL airplane.) It's a very good idea to document your systems and you definitely want procedures (checklists) that fit your aircraft. But performance numbers? Not required.

So...you can't use "I don't have a POH yet!" as an excuse for delaying finishing, or first flight.....;)
Just to reinforce what Paul said.; POH is not required.
Again, like Paul said, it's very nice to have one, but from a "legal" standpoint, your operating limitations suffices as your POH.