
Well Known Member
My DAR is showing up next week for my final inspection and hopefull sign off. I believe I have all of my paper work in order, however, what about the POH. Obviously, all of the data for the POH can not be completed without test flights, however, what will the DAR be looking for? There are many fine examples of POH's posted and I believe it will be relatively easy to follow the format so many have already done. But, is a POH required at final inspection?
FWIW, my DAR did not ask for my POH. You are quite correct in that a complete POH cannot be provided until you get some test flight numbers.

Good luck with your inspection!

Your "operating limitations" is your basic POH. These will be issued by the DAR. You will build from there during the flight testing phase.
Mine did

My AB-DAR did ask to see the POH and went over it well. He understood that numbers were for the most part meaningless, but he was VERY interested in the W&B section and Emergency Procedures section. Also was interested in checklists, especially preflight. Those can and imho should be done. Mine was pretty complete and it made a good impression. I downloaded one (sorry, can't remember whose it was) and modified it to my plane. You will be surprised at how much you can finish. This was just over a month ago. I would put some time into making one, unless you know for sure that your DAR isn't interested in the POH. Besides, you will have more fun things to do in a couple of weeks!!

Bob Kelly
Mel said:
Your "operating limitations" is your basic POH. These will be issued by the DAR. You will build from there during the flight testing phase.
Thanks. There really isn't a POH in my L3 or my Jungmann. There is a simple collection of documents; very simple check list, operating limitations, other stuff like WB to be legal, thats about it. I intend to do a better job with the 6, but I have enough to do right now to get ready for the inspection. I do intend to have a basic checklist done and some basic procedures for my first flight as well as a written list to accomplish during that flight. I will be very excited and want to make sure my flight is productive and safe.