also interested

I was looking at this a while back too and would also like to hear any user reports. Particularly interested in the availability of charts to use with it (VFR Charts) for Ontario and Quebec, Canada.
I didn't like it

I used it a couple of years ago back when it was free. (It's subscription based now) What I didn't like about it at the time was that you had to download moving map data for each zoom level. It was also cumbersome to plan very long cross country flights because of all the data you had to download. I was running it on an iPaq and when I tried to plan a flight from California to Wisconsin I ran out of memory. Could have been something I did wrong I guess. I found I preferred Anywhere Map. Maybe now that PocketFMS is a paid product it will be easier to use.
I used it for a long time until the started to ask around $200 for it (Two months ago?).
As far as usage in the US, airports are missing so I wouldn?t use it. Over in Europe the user entry database system seems to work better so there the airports are usually there.

At the end I used it only as a flight planning and distance checking tool on the home PC. The data validity in regards of airports and airspace is so questionable that I did not dare to use it in flight on the PDA after a couple of errors and a lockup. When loaded with the amount of maps I needed for a XC flight my Ipaq PDA just couldn?t handle the load, but with just local maps it worked ok.

I would not recommend it at $200 per year or whatever they charge these days.