Bob Avery. He has lots of parts. Repaired mine for $35 & returned it within a week or so of my sending it off; someone else gave me a starting price of $150, said it could go a lot higher.

Richard Scott
RV-9A Fuselage
What's wrong with it? Mine seemed to lose power; I removed the base (a bunch of allen head screws, as I recall) and discovered that the nut retaining the piston seal had come loose. Tightened it, greased everything with some Lubriplate and reassembled. Much better. The whole thing took maybe 10 minutes.
Tool Repair, etc.

We buried my Mom the day before Thanksgiving. She died from chemotherapy poisoning and her last 2 1/2 months in the hospital were h e _ _. What we learned over the course was that chemotherapy has its origins in the mustard/nerve gas attacks in WWI. Approximately 94% of people have an enzyme in their body which breaks down the poison and there is a test, relatively new, but there is a test that can be done to determine whether or not you have that enzyme. However, because so few people do not have the emzyme, the test is not routinely given. As many of us will know someone who has to undergo radiation/chemotherapy hopefully this will help them avoid our experience.

Mr. Russell is correct to a degree. He bought a surplus squeezer from us on Ebay and the four (4) surplus squeezer sets were not originally mailed with the tool to Australia. After a delay we mailed six (6) brand new squeezer sets to him on November 20th to compensate him for his inconvenience. This is the 1st I've heard that he did not receive them. We will again mail him his squeezer sets today.

On that note I would have two comments. Please do not ever question our integrity, especially in an open forum like this. No one has ever had, nor will they ever have, reason to do so. Secondly, please do not ever co-mingle bargain basement items you purchase on Ebay with items that we, or any other company, sells through their business.

Richard Scott is a very nice gentleman with whom I've spoken, at length, on several occasions. Mr. Scott always picked my brain about different tools that might be best suited for his use. To my knowledge, he has never purchased anything from us. A couple of years ago I quoted him for a squeezer repair/rebuild. He chose to send his tool to Bob Avery, which is fine, but then started sniping at every opportunity about how much more expensive we were. I very factually addressed the differences between what Bob did and what we do as a course of business in a prior post. You can look it up in the archives if you want to. Unfortunately, Mr. Scott continues to snipe.

Tool repair is a very large part of our business, primarily for aerospace companies. We have a massive inventory of repair parts and our capabilities extend from a simple rivet gun to the big Cherry riveters and beyond. If anyone has questions about tool repairs please feel free to call and discuss them with us.

The internet and forums such as these provide a wealth of information. Businesses such as ours pride themselves on customer support and providing very good products at reasonable prices. Like any business, mistakes happen, but then people work very hard to get them corrected. It is unfortunate, therefore, when personalities get into the fray, facts are ommitted, and assumptions drawn that can have such large negative consequences for a business. Neither personal nor professional responsibilities should be taken so lightly.

You will excuse the terseness of this post, but sometimes there are limits.

Best Wishes to All for a Safe & Happy Holiday Season!

Fred W. Kunkel
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Fred, I apologize if I have misstated the case regarding your business.

I have bought several items from you both at Arlington and several years ago when I started to build my plane, and a longeron yoke a couple years ago. You had the best price on the yoke and I believe I have mentioned it on other posts. I have also recommended your rivet gage here multiple times as being the best I have seen and have recommended you for other items, including reamers. As someone else said, you have always been helpful. On mail order items, delivery was always on time.

However, if someone else offers a better deal, or better product, I will say that, too.

Richard Scott
RV-9A Fuselage
Fred has an excellent reputation here and I have no doubt it is deserved.

John Russell
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