
Well Known Member
I have a question regarding pneumatic squeezers. Is this tool a substitute for manual dimpling? Does it serve other purposes? I've seen a video where it is used on wing construction.

It's a pricey tool @ about $600 so I was wondering if it serves other purposes and if it is worth investing in?
Dimpling, and also sustitute for a hand squeezer for riveting.
Personally I loved my pneumatic squeezer. You'll get varying opinions.

Is it a substitute for a rivet gun as well? IE- can I use one of these instead of a 2x or 3x pneumatic rivet gun? For that matter, could it substitute for a pop rivet gun?
No, there are some rivets that you cannot get a squeezer on. Almost all the wing rivets, for example. You'll still need a gun. And no, you can't set pulled rivets with it.

It sounds like taking a build class, sooner rather than later would be well worth your time and money. In this case, it will also help you decide what tools you need and what tools you don't.

I personally have a Cleaveland Main Squeeze (hand squeezer) and love it.

Good luck.

Just for clarification, I'll need the rivet gun, squeezer, and pop rivet gun then. The squeezer will be used for dimpling and rivets.

Does that sound right? yep, looking for a class.
Tool kit

You'll need to get yourself an RV tool kit from someone like Avery. You'll use all those goodies. Additionally you will purchase many other tools n hardware, including a pneumatic squeezer. The pneumatic squeezer can be used in many assemblies and is particularly helpful in setting an470-ad4 rivets. It will save you a tone of time and agony. Spring for it earlier than later.;)

Just for clarification, I'll need the rivet gun, squeezer, and pop rivet gun then. The squeezer will be used for dimpling and rivets.

Does that sound right?

In a nutshell, yes.
The pneumatic squeezer is just a power version of a hand squeezer.
check out this thread:

I am using a c-frame and a 3060 (from Numatx). This allows me to use one tool for dimpling skins, dimpling (like hand squeezer), and squeezing rivets. The 3060 can be put onto the c-frame (skin dimpling) and then removed to be used as a hand pneumatic squeezer. I also figure that I can resell to get a good portion of the value out, since not a lot of builders are going to be able to build the c-frame required for the squeezer.

I will le t you know how it works. I have not started on the kit yet.


The suggestions about taking a building class are spot well spent.

When I started building my first RV (a 6A I never finished) in the SoCal high desert, pneumatic squeezers were luxury items and only a few people had them. When I started my -7 I bought a used squeezer on eBay before I ordered the tail kit, and had Bob Avery rebuild it - and it has been one of the most-used tools in my tool chest. Once again, money well spent. I've never regretted spending a little extra money on quality tools - helps your build go easier and quicker!

Hope this helps,

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