
Starting to build a 9a, working on the empennage :) . Have read many posts on the subject of squeezers but we still don't know what we want.

For a 9a, what type of squeezer would work best, what depth of yoke is most usable/desirable? We're looking at an alligator jaw type squeezer at a good price. Is a C-yoke better? Do we want a 2", 2.5", 3".....just don't have a clue :confused: .

Any help would be appreciated and as soon as we start making progress, will arrange for a site to be constructed for all to see and for us to share our thoughts/frustrations/successes/failures.

Thanks in advance for everyone's help.

Chris and Jim
616JC (res)
Denver, CO
Love my squeezer

I bought my tools from Planetools.com and received a 3" C squeezer. I've tried a manual squeezer and the phuematic is a joy to use. I use it to squeeze rivets and for dimpling. Right now I would not want to be without it. I have finished my VS, HS and am working on my rudder. I've never used an alligator jaw squeezer so I can't compare the two. Hope this helps
Russel Koch
RV9A QB ordered on Friday
Hi, congrats on getting started. I think you definitely want a C-jaw squeezer. I bought mine (very) used on ebay for much cheaper than new prices... I think I paid about $150. I've never used one, but I believe that the alligator-jaw would be better in only a handful of places throughout the plane, and everywhere else would be much trickier than the C-jaw. Also not sure if you can use the alligator for dimpling, which is another big time-saver that the C-jaw will give you.

I have 4 yokes, but I think you would be fine with the first two:
- Longeron yoke from Avery. You can do most ordinary tasks with this, on top of the longerons.
- 4-inch no-hole yoke, also from Avery. Not used as often, but sure saves the day when you need it.
- 3-inch yoke from Avery (came with hand-squeezer) -- usually the longeron yoke can do the same job, except in limited-access areas (in which case the 4-inch no-hole may work)
- 2-inch yoke that came with the used squeezer. Obviously not as versatile, but the nice thing about this one is that it's lighter than all the rest. Wielding the squeezer for more than a few minutes gets very tiring...

Also, due to the tricky nature of the -9 HS nose ribs, you may want to start on the VS -- it's a much easier place to learn your riveting skills.

Good luck!
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I would agree with the C though I have not used the alligator type. I have the same yokes as Paul mentioned with exception og the 2 inch. I use the 4 inch no hole the most then the 3 inch, there are places only the longeron will work though. You don't have to have a pneumatic but if you get one you won't be willing to give it up.

Another thing I would highly recommend is an adjustable set and quick change yoke pins from Cleaveland Tool. Saves a ton of time.

Good luck and have fun!
Avery's fine if money is no object, otherwise save yourself almost $100 by going to Fred Kunkel at Clear Air Tools http://clearairtools.com/Merchant2/merchant.mv?Screen=CTGY&Store_Code=CA&Category_Code=RS

Fred has probably got the lowest prices on yokes. And he has the best rivet gauage. And you want a #40 reamer for match drilling which will give you round holes every time, which drill bits won't.

For a manual squeezer go to Cleaveland for their "main squeeze". Also from Cleaveland, they have the best edge former--don't waste your $ on Avery's.

And last I looked Brown had the best prices on clecoes and usually has the best price on a Sioux air drill.

Thank you to everyone for their input and suggestions. I am/was almost ready to pull the trigger on an alligator type squeezer (decent deal on price). From the input received, I may want to hold out and find a C squeezer with a small selection of yokes.

We are working on the tail, should order the QB fuse soon and are severely pumped up about the project.

Thanks again for all the good input.

Chris and Jim
RV-9a N616JC (res)
Denver, CO