
Active Member
Anyone ever have a pneumatic squeezer lose all "power"? The piston still fires and retracts without problem. Air pressure is set @90 psi. Everything looks and sounds fine. Worked fine on the first set of the day, But all of a sudden I can't squeeze a 470-4 at all. Tool is fairly new. Purchased last year but just started building last month.

I don't know how much you have used it, but I thought mine was not working when I first started squeezing rivets. I was unaware that the power came at the end of the squeeze. It makes sense, but I wasn't giving the squeezer enough "squeeze" to flatten the rivet by having too many washers on. Try a dimple and see how that works.

My first squeezer ended up having to be returned later because it somehow got off cycle and the only way if would close was to unhook the air hose. They sent me a new one and no problems.

Good luck - Im sure someone here will know exactly what the problem is.

It does have all the power at one point towards the end of it's stroke. Adjust the size of you sets or add/subtract washers under set. Just remember to disconnect air before sticking your fingers in there! I saw a guy squeeze his finger virtually off at Gulfstream.
I had the same problem when I first started using mine. Like the others have said. You need to have the setting so that the internal arm can go over center which provides the force to squeeze the rivet.

If you have an adjustable set. Start by having the throw end as it just barely hits the end of the rivet. Adjust slowly from there until you get the shop head you want.
Thanks for the suggestions. No luck though. I fumbled the stupid thing and got my figure caught in it. Thanks Paul... I guess I was lucky that it isn't squeezing at full power. It hurt for a minute but no damage other than pride. I'll call is ham tomorrow and see what they say

Thanks Mike. It did take some convincing that something in the squeezer hadn't failed. But with some chats here on the forum and your guide all seems to be right again. I appreciate all the help!

Now back to work!