
Well Known Member
I have a pnematic squeezer from Isham's. It seems to have a hard time setting -4 rivets. i just set some 4-5 and it took a couple of pulls of the trigger to get the rivet to set. When I try and set a 4-6 it won't budge!

FYI I am running my compressor at 90-100psi.
At the risk of stating the obvious. Make sure you're working at the end of the stroke. Sometimes, on a long rivet, you have to set it in two steps.

Change your set so that the throw is either longer or shorter -- probably shorter will work. I had the same problem, and got this advice from Bob Avery. It seems that the device inside the squeezer that closes the jaws produces a different amount of torque at different points as it closes. Actually, I just reviewed Scard's post and I think he is probably closer to being right than I am.
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As mentioned above, the leverage of the squeezer is greatest at the end of it's travel. I run my squeezer at full compressor pressure, about 135, and have no trouble with any 4 rivets.
80-90 psi should be plenty for any rivet squeezer for rivets up to and including 1/8" dia. If you need more than 90 psi, there's something wrong.
A word of caution

As others have noted, the squeezer will produce more squeeze the closer it gets to the end of stroke. One side effect this can have is if you are squeezing a long rivet and crank the pressure up, the squeezer may just barely be able to start the squeeze, but once it gets past the critical point, it has already built up full pressure in the pneumatic actuator and can snap closed really fast in an uncontrolled manner.

On long rivets I normally use my hand squeezer. It's quicker than adjusting the pneumatic squeezer to do it in two steps.