
Well Known Member
I am wondering if anybody has ever purchased one of the various foot operated pneumatic valves available and fitted in inline between the air source and pneumatic squeezer? I have seen pics/videos of this setup and I know retailers sell such a thing, but what about a 30 dollar valve off fleabay and some small air hose for a cheap solution?
Are you sure you want this? In some tight situations, I found the ability to "feather" the hand trigger very useful at avoiding mistakes. Not sure I have the same dexterity with my foot.
I have one I use when dimpling skins with my squeezer attached to homemade c-frame. Works great. Mine is similar to the one at Cleaveland Tool. Item SNBF70
Are you sure you want this? In some tight situations, I found the ability to "feather" the hand trigger very useful at avoiding mistakes. Not sure I have the same dexterity with my foot.

Cleaveland's foot control was purely an impulse buy when I purchased my tools, but I can't remember the last time I squeezed a rivet without it. At least on mine, the pedal is much easier to feather than the trigger. It is also nice when in awkward spaces to be able to firmly grip the squeezer however necessary and not worry about the trigger.
I purchased a foot pedal with my squeezer and would not use my squeezer without it . Absolutely love it. It takes a bit to get used to feather the pedal ,but once U get on to it U will love it. My squeezer thumb control has been taped down since purchase. Becareful, it can give a really good blood blister. Ask me how I know.