
Well Known Member
Lesson 1: Take your finger off the trigger of a pneumatic squeezer while adjusting the ram depth.

Lesson 2: If your going to accidentally squeeze your fingertip, try to have flat dies installed rather than dimple dies. Had this been dimple dies I likely would have lost the fingertip.

This is what a flat die squeeze looks like on the middle meaty part of the fingertip. Luckily it was set for AN426AD4-5 rivets and the dies had about 3mm space between them when fully pressed.

Hopefully nobody needs to repeat my error to learn this lesson.

Welcome to the club. :D
There's also the "Drilled a hole through the finger" club. Hope you don't join that one. Hurts!
finger under trigger

On the CP 214 squeezer you can place a finger under the trigger so it won't move. Better of course to disconnect air.

Two stitches, a bill for X rays, and quite a few swear words later and it?s all good.
When I saw the title of your post I knew it was going to make me cringe. Confirmed. The thought of this happening has haunted my dreams before! Glad you didn't lose your finger.

Just out of curiosity, what yolk did you have on it?

I treat a pneumatic squeezer the same way that I treat my framing nailer, which is also the way I treat my skeet gun. I treat the pneumatic tools like they are loaded guns unless the air hose is disconnected. I treat the gun like it is loaded, unless the action is broken open and I can see daylight at the ends looking in from the chambers.
I bet you only do this once! Drills have had a way of finding my finger despite my attention to not repeating.....
Blood sweat and tears...

I try to make a point of disconnecting the air before I adjust it but thanks for posting. I will think about that picture next time I am working with it.

Hope it doesn't hurt and heals quickly.
When I saw the title of your post I knew it was going to make me cringe. Confirmed. The thought of this happening has haunted my dreams before! Glad you didn't lose your finger.

Just out of curiosity, what yolk did you have on it?

Standard 3? yoke.

I had been pretty good about treating it with respect, but as with most things that we do a few thousand times over I ended up getting a little complacent.
Standard 3? yoke.

I had been pretty good about treating it with respect, but as with most things that we do a few thousand times over I ended up getting a little complacent.

I guess that is a tiny ray of sunshine here. A 1.5" likely would have been worse to due the lack of flex like the 3". Man...
My closest call was when swapping dies with the air plugged in, finger off the trigger... and then the squeezer rolled on the table and actuated the trigger!

Like the previous poster said, treat it like a loaded gun!
Some friendly advice..

Das machinen ist not fer der der fingerpokin' und mittengrabben, relaxen und vatch der blinkenlites!